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Apr 3rd 2022
#SriLanka is reaping the whirlwind of #Hate first ethnically driven hate for the #Tamil people, and then religious hate for #Muslims.
Now they know painfully that Hate for a conveniently defined 'other' is destructive of everyone's prosperity, including your own.
It was #Hate for the 'other' that blinded the populace to the #Corruption of those in power who fuelled and directed the #Hatred and the #Bigotry as a smokescreen for their own #Corrupt #misgovernance.
When the #Flames of #Hatred are fanned by the #Bigots in power for their own selfish ends, and the mechanisms of institutional control are disabled by those same bigots, the flames cannot tell the intended victims from the bullies and their silent onlooker supporters.
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