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Apr 3rd 2022
Imran Khan's speaker of the national assembly rejects the #NoConfidenceMotion calling it an "international conspiracy"
Imran Khan asks the president to dissolve assemblies and asks for elections. Calls it an international conspiracy to unseat an elected prime minister
Invoking article 5 is illegal says the opposition. Once the #NoConfidenceMotion is tabled, no other matter can be tabled.

Imran Khan's govt is pushing the #Pakistan towards a constitutional crisis. @CMShehbaz says those who violated the constitution face article 6 (treason)
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Feb 9th 2022
🤡 #trudeaumustgo #noconfidencevote #truthbeknown Lmao what does this guy think HE has been doing the last 2 years…
View all 686 comments @CanadianMuslims Image
Is he talking about himself and the Liberal Party 😂😂😂 Last time I checked he lockdowned the whole economy and 38 million Canadians…. @CanadianMuslims
@CanadianPM @JustinTrudeau @OmarAlghabra Image
Coming from the guy that did blockade our economy, our democracy, and our fellow citizens’ daily lives….guess he would know. He is the expert on it- Last time I checked he lockdowned the whole economy and 38 million Canadians….
@CanadianPM @JustinTrudeau @OmarAlghabra Image
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Dec 12th 2018
Molto rapidamente, un po’ di rapidi tweet per spiegare perché la vittoria di stasera di May è una vittoria di Pirro e non risolve le cose, anzi. 🇬🇧
1. May ha vinto il voto di sfiducia 200 a 117. Pare un bel risultato. Per molti versi, non lo è. 117 voti contro sono tantissimi, soprattutto in ottica #Brexit. Senza contare che vari parlamentari che hanno votato responsabilmente per lei voteranno “no” al suo accordo Brexit.
2. Inoltre, sinora la fronda interna contro May era quasi sempre stata quantificata in decine di ribelli. Qualcuno si era spinto anche a 100-150. Ora abbiamo un numero chiaro: e non sono persone in disaccordo col suo piano. Sono persone che non hanno più fiducia in lei.
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