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May 5th 2022
I wrote this last year but on this Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Girls and 2 Spirit Awareness Day it bears repeating.

#mmiw #mmiwg #MMIWG2S #nomorestolensisters
TW: Violence

On this day of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2 Spirit Awareness I honor my Great Great Grandmother Louisa (Yahola) Scott who lost her life in 1900 to violence that is still all too familiar to us today.
I don't know what she looked like. To be honest the only thing I know about her life are the details of her death, a senseless act of brutality that shouldn't be the only thing that defines her.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 19th 2020
I’m attending WI 2020 Victory’s event, “WI Roundtable to Discuss the Violence Against Women Act and Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women” – sign up now to join me!… #mmiw #mmiwg #vawa #wisdems
Arvina Martin @Arvina4WI introduces Rep. Beth Meyers, and @beth_rep introduces @HeidiHeitkamp. All acknowledge and honor the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She would want us to continue the fight to protect women. #MMIW #MMIWG #RIPRBG
Heitkamp: VAWA passing was a collaborative effort. Led by Democrats, supported by some Republicans. COngress failed to reauthorize the act. Why? Fight about: Are we going to include LGBTQ+? How will we show up in unique situation of Indigenous/Tribal women?
Read 29 tweets
Sep 1st 2020
I am linking websites that can help u educate yourself and that explain how u can help!
Read 11 tweets

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