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Mar 3rd 2020
Changing the entire world is hard but making a better #DigitalWorkplace helps improve our working world. @KurtKragh kicking off #IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX Man on stage in front of mission statement at #IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX
@KurtKragh How do we make it simpler rather than adding complexity?How do we deliver tools to the front-line staff who need it the most?
How do we deliver more in a way that is easier and simpler than what we did last year? @james_steptwo #EuroDEX #IntraTeam20
So @james_steptwo says #intranets aren't sexy (I beg to differ) though he's not afraid of using the i-word #EuroDEX #IntraTeam20 Man on stage in front of a slide about the I word
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