How do we deliver more in a way that is easier and simpler than what we did last year? @james_steptwo #EuroDEX #IntraTeam20

✅For work
#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

It's not about passion in *this room*.
It's about recognising the importance of supporting an org's people - making employee experience as important as that of the customer or service user

Personas and user journeys can help drive your #DigitalWorkplace strategy

Nice reminder rounding off a rousing keynote @james_steptwo #IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX
Technology can't solve our problems.
But data can show us how dysfunctional we are. And ask the tough questions.
Some interesting stuff @panagenda on using data to build stories #IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

Expose the dysfunction in your organisation.
Use your analytics to see which teams need interventions on emailing outside office hours?
V interesting case for #data @elsua
#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

Who are your hyperconnected people?
How do you visualise that and break down silos?
How do you know if your adoption is working?
Interesting use of smarter working dashboard showing Teams vs Mail. #IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

What are my use cases?
What do I care about? What stories can I tell?
Don't get hung up on the metrics. It's easy to game the numbers.
Where are my users? What is valuable? What isn't?
Nice advice @elsua #data #analytics
Then how your new ways of working can help that.
Make benefits tangible and real for people.
And be patient. And persevere.
@elsua #IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX
What guidance can you offer people to influence their ways of working?
It's about guiding people to make good decisions with their digital tools.
Rules impose on other people's ways of working.
@elsua #IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX
Show them good examples of collaborative content. Help model good behaviours.
People share a lot of shit content. Show how it can work well and help them be better!
Enjoying @elsua tips on adoption #IntraTeam20
They believe building a good digital employee experience is #1 way to be an attractive employer.
Workforce is young, impatient & will delete apps that aren't intuitive first time

✅ Valuable
✅ Personal
✅ Actionable
✅ Frictionless
✅ Smart
✅ Accessible
✅ Sustainable
✅ Measurable
✅ Cost efficient
#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

While the benchmark didn't score as highly as the runner up, Velux, user feedback scores were much higher!
✅ Strategy and governance
✅ Content
✅ #DEX
#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

In the old days you could make good money being a futurist - now you can Google megatrends.
Megatrends is a long, steady path of change which is already happening.
#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

Are orgs using the technology to improve the right things?
Are we putting our digital tools to work in the right context to improve our #DEX?
#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

Insisting on doing everything through the right channels? Monologuing at our colleagues? Deferring to committees? Haggling over precise definitions?
#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

Kodak is still around but is a very different organisation to the one making camera film.
How can we support our organisations to transform?
#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

#product #personas #IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

Interesting "extranet" use case for working with customers and external users
#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

130,000 project sites - and about half of them (data-wise) are active."

New project sites are created on O365.
All O365 projects get Teams.
Go live 2:
Community sites with Yammer
Project sites will be moved, and users will have access to both.
#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

Ask your employees, ask your customer service team, your HR business partners, your analytics.
All assumptions need testing, and some need smashing
#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX #ContentDesign

Do enough research to know the problem, write user stories, write job stories, and define your acceptance criteria.
@Wedge #IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

1. Lay out bullets
2. Reorder from must - to nice to know
3. Consider sub-headings
4. Draft a title
#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

Get to know your people - if you don't know what drives them, how can you reach them?
#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX
✅ Daily knowledge sharing on Yammer
✅ Regular online training
✅ 2-day on-site seminar to build capability and share their expertise
#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX #CommunityManagement

Balancing global and local
What tasks do you do?
What are you looking for?
How to understand the infrastructure (but don't go into too much detail)
#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

Zoom out, see where it fits.
Zoom in, how can you improve moments in the process.
#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

-what do they think, and feel?
-what does it look like today and where do we want to be - and how will we get there?
#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

#IntraTeam20 #EuroDEX

Building a team responsible for #DEX strategy with professionals from a range of backgrounds can help tech teams better meet organisational needs.
I'm one of the empathetic techies @elsua 😁
V nice session @heather_ia