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Oct 27th 2020
1/ #ZanzibariLivesMatter:As someone who has closely followed/wrote about the #Zanzibar Question in #Tanzania for 10+ years,I would say the seeds of what is happening now were watered in 2015 after a failure of fully implementing the Zanzibar Accord that worked a bit okay in 2010.
2/ #ZanzibariLivesMatter:At the heart of the #Zanzibar Accord was the realization that ‘Winners Take it All’ is not feasible for such a polarized #polity-it thus enshrined in the #Constitution some sort of a power sharing agreement that somewhat worked in 2010 but failed in 2015.
3/ #ZanzibariLivesMatter:From 2015 virtually all keen #observers of-and key #players in-#Zanzibar knew that 2020 is a ticking bomb,but differed in how to diffuse or preempt it;the ruling party,#CCM,opted to do so by clipping the wings of the then main opposition party there-#CUF.
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