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Nov 2nd 2018
There's a reason we're such a threat to these Brexit politicians.
We're not politicians and we ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT.
But we need you to make our voices heard, so please donate whatever you can. #OFOC
Remember where this started. Politicians weren't doing enough to protect this country from Brexit before the vote. So the kids decided to step up. #OFOC…
So please keep helping us do what we do. 😊 #OFOC…
Read 3 tweets
Oct 19th 2018
When I walked in, this Mike guy says "I'm going to tear you apart". OFOC's press guy said it sounded like a 20-minute knife-fight.
My favourite part is the bit where he claimed to know what the Single Market is after admitting he didn't know and then listening to my explanation🤔
I will never criticise ANYONE for simply not knowing EU law or the Single Market... Most REMAINERS didn't. I'm not better than anyone. I simply got lucky. My degree just happened to cover the biggest issue of our generation.
But to angrily claim knowledge you know you don't have:
I made this video over a year ago, but it's just as relevant today as it was then.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 23rd 2018
1/ Dear Hard Brexiteers...we have a question... #Brexit
2/ do you think that if the UK had gone down the efta/EEA route that there would have been such a backlash against brexit? We don't. If you had promoted a EFTA based brexit we would probably be out of the EU by now.
3/ ...businesses would be breathing a sigh of relief, the economy would be booming, the #ofoc and #fbpe crowd would struggle to fill a taxi and would be seen as a fringe of dinosaur europhiles. The UK would be preparing to sign FTAs with countries around the globe.
Read 5 tweets
Dec 29th 2017
Dear Brexiters,
The young people of the United Kingdom have a few words to say about Brexit Britain.
Starting with @Femi_Sorry.
Charlie from Doncaster is one of the 73% of 18-24 year-olds who voted to Remain in the EU.
She represents the adult demographic of the UK that would be most affected by Brexit.
#OFOC @turtle_in_a_fez
The 'Young' includes Brits in their 40s, 52% of whom voted for their country to remain in the EU. These are people who will have to raise their children in a version of the UK that they voted to avoid.
#OFOC @siannydee
Read 17 tweets

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