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Apr 12th 2021
A diffuse glow of high-energy gamma rays hints at the presence of powerful cosmic accelerators, called PeVatrons, within the disk of our Galaxy.


Img credit: Heasarc/Lambda/NASA/GFSC

#Space #Astrophysics
Many physicists believe that such #PeVatrons accelerate particles up to at least PeV energies (PeV=10^15 eV).

Possible PeVatrons include #supernova explosions, star-forming regions, & Sgr A* the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy.

#Space #Astrophysics
But despite decades of hunting, only a few PeVatron candidates have been located in the #MilkyWay.

The Tibet ASγ experiment, a #China-#Japan collaboration, has reported new measurements that provide further evidence for galactic #PeVatrons.


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