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May 21st 2019
Amateur astronomers around the world are noticing that something weird is happening to the Great Red Spot in Jupiter... observations are showing variability in just few hours. Stay tuned ... or even better, if you can take photos of Jupiter, do it!
Another busy day... I had to skip morning sessions at the #A3Dscimeet19 as I needed to do a couple of “urgents” things at the uni including marking quizzes from my tutorings and preparing an invitation letter for a PhD student visiting us in July...
But before I forget again, it is very important to say a big “Happy Birthday” to the @theskyentists co-host & awesome young astronomer & Science communicator @AstroKirsten as she just completed another full orbit around the Sun!
Read 18 tweets
May 21st 2019
Day 2 of this very busy week. Unfortunately #Pint19AU & #A3Dscimeet19 colliding the same days and work/life balance made me arrive late for #A3Dscimeet19 1st session about the ASKAP. Kid school starts at 9:20am 45 min away from here. Mum will pick him up from aftercare at 6pm
Otherwise mum would have changed her working hours to start later, she would have taken him to school while I would have been prompt at 9am for #A3Dscimeet19, and I would have picked him up from aftercare at 6pm...
At least I arrived just on time to listen summary slide by Tristan Reynolds @ICRAR showing some great @WALLABYsurvey Early Science HI Spectral Line Observations, finding new dwarf galaxies in a galaxy group & high dark matter fractions #A3Dscimeet19
Read 59 tweets

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