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Nov 1st 2021
Is PM Scott Morrison a liar? It's a question that is being asked now on the international stage.

A Crikey investigation reveals the answer is, "yes", the PM is a systemic and unremitting public liar.

And we've got the proof:…
#scottytheliar #auspol
Back in May, we published #ScoMosDossier – a list of lies and falsehoods delivered by the prime minister since he took office, on issues of national importance.

Since then, the list has grown.

Here's why we published the list:… #auspol #scottytheliar
Today we have 39 lies and falsehoods – and we'll be adding more later today because these lies just keep coming from Scott Morrison.

Here's his first lie about Australia's climate targets #climateaction #auspol #scottytheliar
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