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May 5th 2023
We're at our wits' end with Mahindra Team's lack of follow-up. Our van has been out of commission for two months due to non-availability of parts,and its only getting worse. We've scoured every spare part shop in Noida, Delhi,and Gurgoan and even placed an order with Mahindra
Our vans are used for animal welfare projects, and we're now hiring a van daily, costing us Rs. 1000 a day. It's been a frustrating experience with Mahindra's lack of urgency, and we're disappointed that their dealership is not pushing to get this fixed
We're now wondering if opting for Mahindra Vans was the worst decision. Our van is depreciating and rusting in the local workshop. We hope that Mahindra will step up and address this issue soon
Read 6 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
Posting this for a friend!
He had booked a business class ticket for his 80+ granny from chennai to frankfurt (24/1/23) via @lufthansa. Since she was old, she needed wheel chair assistance in the airport! Apparently you need to call the airlines prior to avail the facility!
@lufthansa @aaichnairport
the phone from which the airlines had to be called, wasnt working!
on contacting @lufthansa they said thy wer sending the wheel chair, 10 minutes of standing, no wheel chair, we had to wait 30 mins with a 80 yr old lady who ws standing!
@lufthansa @aaichnairport
you asked us to come before 3 hrs, we have booked business class for a 80+ for a service and there are no chairs outside for someone to on earth do you expect a senior citizen to wait for 30 mins
Read 6 tweets

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