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Mar 28th 2022

A detailed thread below 🪡🧵
About - Praj Industries was incorporated in 1983 by Dr. Pramod Chaudhuri. Praj is one of the most reputed & technologically advanced biotech & engineering companies in the world. Co has 1000+ customer references in 100+ countries across 5 continent.
Financial Summary -
Q3 FY22 (YoY)

Revenue were at Rs.585 Cr.⬆️68%
EBITDA at Rs.51 Cr.⬆️28%
Pat at Rs.37 Cr.⬆️31%
Read 25 tweets
Jan 15th 2022

Our members are the witness of all the stocks shared. Many will say how do we catch these breakouts ?

Conviction. Basic chart reading. Skillful buying.

Join here -…

#chartians #momentum #mentorship #trading
#Indowind (109%) #bcg (103%+)
#tatayodoga (82%+) #mahseamles (153%+)
#Tci (93%+) #tamo (82%+)
#olectra (184%+) #bse (73%+)
Read 9 tweets
Nov 4th 2021
“Last Diwali to this Diwali: Summary of Momentum Investments/ Trades taken (#MostlyMomentum)!!”:

Introduction of my journey so far:
I started my #StockMarket journey Jul- 2016:

•During 2016-17, as a typical new investor, started with TV Tips, and IPOs,
this (IPOs) helped in a way, best #DMART has still been the best of IPOs I applied for, got allotment, and kept for couple of months and captured fastest 282% of my #StockMarket journey.

• During 2017-18, decided not to go after TV Tips,
and started doing something on my own including a little Option “BUYING” 12, lost some funds in Option Buying, but gained a lot of experience regarding not to so something you don’t know. Alongside this, also started exploring cash market strategies of buying what is going up and
Read 25 tweets
Jan 20th 2019
#Quiz: After distribution & mark down, which stock is waking up NOW after a long 10 years of accumulation?

Note: This is NOT at all a recommendation to buy. Just for learning purpose I need you to spot it.

#PRAJIND is the right answer given by @AshishJha1996

Attaching the monthly chart for your review. Check the volume on down move & volume on up move.

There is a heavy sell-off this week. Dont rush to buy until ur setup says or the price reversal is seen only daily /hourly chart
Read 3 tweets

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