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Dec 7th 2021
Thread: Some suggestions for indie film financing. Paths that are proven to work, with links. For docs and low budget scripted (under $3mm) #screenwriting #writingcommunity #producing
Docs and docu-series: This is the greatest era in history for docs. Get on it! If you don’t have a fiscal sponsor yet- who gives investors a tax write-off and you get the money- look at I like Creative Visions and Partnerships for Change
Crowdfunding: is BYOC (bring your own crowd) really helps to have an investor match funds. It’s also a fulltime job. You need to seed the interest to surface the campaign on their site. Try for less money or a short if you haven’t done it before. Hire a campaign manager if u can
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Feb 5th 2020
This is what it's like on the producing frontline currently. Proud to be a member of @ProdRoundtable and a huge round of applause for @Loran_Dunn @HelenSimmons8 @SophitaReynolds for their tireless work on this. #film #producing #filmproducer #ukfilm
@ProdRoundtable @Loran_Dunn @HelenSimmons8 @SophitaReynolds For too long producing has been an elitist hobby and the system has been built to keep those without access to money out. This has had a notable effect on diversity and the types of films that are allowed to be made.
There has been precious little support for emerging producers over the years and it's good to see funding bodies acknowledging that more needs to be done.
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Oct 24th 2019
On future productions I’m considering hiring a specialist Human Resources Manager. My main reasoning for this is to have a formal channel for cast and crew to go through should there be any claims of bullying or unfairness. I’d also like to see them handle contracts, payroll and
Compliance with employment law and regulations. Although much of this is producers/line producers responsibility, I feel that a lot of things aren’t done properly due to those roles already having too many things to worry about.
Industry Twitter: what are your thoughts on this? Is this a sensible solution and can it work? Should there be other responsibilities for the role or do you see this creating too much red tape? #film #tv #producing #HR
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Sep 30th 2019
A few words for new film producers. When you start out no one tells you the ridiculous amount of your own money you’ll need to invest in yourself. It’s not always immediately apparent but bit by bit, you’ll find you have to spend money just to stay in the game. #film #producing
It might be as small as a cup of coffee here and there to take meetings to forking our for specialised industry events or festivals. And if you live outside London there’s the attritional travel costs. It all starts to add up.
Couple this with the fact that you’ll have to work for free developing projects and in all likelihood, producing short films to showcase your skills, you’re essentially paying to be in the industry.
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Jun 12th 2019
Tips for pitching to a producer: a short thread #film #tv #producing #pitching #writers #directors
1. Don’t send us your life story, just a short sentence or two about your experience
2. Send a short synopsis of your project that gives us a clear idea of the concept
3. Keep it concise, don’t give us long treatments or scripts to read unless we ask for it
4. If you’re a director, include your showreel. If you don’t have enough material to make a showreel you probably need to make more
5. Make sure there are dialogue scenes in your showreel, a 2 min montage of pretty shots set to music doesn’t tell us if you can direct actors
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