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Oct 31st 2021
Sad to hear that Mahmoud Ayoub (1935-2021) one of the pioneers of #ShiiStudies and #intrafaith and #interfaith #MuslimChristian studies has passed away earlier today - a 🧵
Much of his career was in #MuslimChristian understanding partly influenced by his own biography - born into a #Shii family in Qana in Southern Lebanon in 1935 and converting to Protestantism 2/
He went onto study at #AUB and #Pennsylvania finally writing a PhD on Redemptive Suffering and #Christology as an approach to #ShiiIslam in 1975 at #Harvard 3/
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Jun 28th 2020
#QuranicExegesis #manuscripts #autograph of Muḥsin Fayḍ Kāshānī (d. 1680) on the margins on his shortened commentary Aṣfā al-tafsīr in codex MS 2021 Kitābkhāna-yi Madrasa-yi Sipahsālār in Tehran 1/ Image
The exegesis has been edited and published many times and is available here… 2/
The codex was copied in 1679 and later came into the possession of the Qajar statesman and patron Muḥammad Ḥasan Khān Iʿtimād al-Salṭana (d. 1894) in 1874 and six years later was gifted to the Madrasa-yi Sipahsālār shortly after construction on it began 3/
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