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Aug 11th 2022
Today is RakshaBandhan – a day when brothers and sisters and celebrate and honor their bond between each other by tying the traditional rakhi bracelet around each others’ wrists. In this way, the sister expresses her love for her brother,
and her brother pledges to look after her in all circumstances. But the tying of a rakhi is not confined to a brother and sister but to Guru too.

In the puranas, there is a 'katha' on Lord Krishna, in which, during the storm and torrential rain he held the Govardhan Mountain on
his little finger and protected all the 'gopi gopikas',

In the same way, the Prime Minister Shri. @narendramodi is awarded this responsibility, so that he can protect everyone the way God protects us, successfully

This Raksha Bandhan, may our PM be protected through God's grace
Read 4 tweets
Aug 11th 2022
Raksha Bandhan:

Shravan Purnima is on August 11, Thursday.
Bhadra too is on August 11 (Thursday) which is considered inauspicious.
#rakshabandhan2022 #RakshaBandan
As per religious beliefs, auspicious work is not done in Bhadra Kaal. This is the reason that even Rakhi is not tied in Bhadrakal.

Here's the correct date and time for Raksha Bandhan 2022.

Raksha Bandhan 2022: Date, time and shubh muhurat
#rakshabandhan2022 #RakshaBandan
Purnima Tithi begins: August 11, 2022 (Thursday) - 10:38 am

Purnima ends: August 12, 2022 (Friday) - 07:05 am

Bhadra time: August 11, 2022 (Thursday) - 10:38 am

Bhadra ends: Aug 11, 2022 (Thursday) - 08:51 pm

So tie Rakhi on 12th instead!
#rakshabandhan2022 #RakshaBandan
Read 11 tweets
Aug 10th 2022
Here is a heart touching story of Tuktuk’s recovery ...
All our rescues are very close to our hearts. Lots of running around behind sick and injured furballs, follow-ups, much patience is required
#IDAIndia #DogsofTwittter #doglovers
Tuk-tuk’s case was reported by one of the trustees and immediately our compassionate driver was determined to catch hold of him and help Tuk-tuk as he had hit by stone and had been hiding since long. When rescued he had a foul smelling #wound filled with live #maggots
Tuk-tuk gave a good chase but finally our senior staff driver managed to catch him. Tuk-tuk is under our care since May 2021. Sr Vet has advised medication to be dusted every day else his little wet wound will resurface again which can lead to a bad open wound. #Dog #treatment
Read 7 tweets

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