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Oct 13th 2021
Commander #SohrabAzimi - RIP
A man born in the 1990s, it would take him approximately 30-40 years after formal education and rising through the ranks in his chosen profession to really make an positive contribution to his country. Image
Had we had another 5 years we would have finally changed the misfortunes of our country. We would have reformed the army and set #Afghanistan on a permanent path to peace and prosperity. Something that our fathers failed before us. Unfortunately, we have joined that list.
There were many young men rising rapidly through the ranks in the army and were about to replace these incompetent fools. There were young men rising throughout the #Afghan society in general. We were betrayed by our corrupt, criminal and coward elders. Now Abroad!
Read 4 tweets
Oct 10th 2021
#CheGuevara was killed in Bolivia some 54 years ago today. #AhmadShahMassoud and Che were both formidable guerilla commanders. They had so much in common and yet so different in ideology. They both fought for what they believed was right and a just cause for their people.
They were from different backgrounds and cultures. One was fighting for communism, whilst the other against communism. Che was jaguar of the jungle whilst Massoud was the snow leopard of the mountains. Both were charasmatic and deeply respected for their abilities on the field
Had they met- there would have been no need for a translator. They would have understood each others language. The language of taking on a far superior force with limited resources, but the might of your people behind you. The language of #GuerrillaWarfare. Men of the field!
Read 13 tweets
Oct 2nd 2021
#Ambush - My friends, a military ambush is when you come out from behind the rocks and surprise your enemy. It's no different to when you hide behind a tree trunk or a wall to scare your friends. Your friend might slap you for making him jump, but on the field it's more deadly!
In an ambush you hold all the cards. You can choose the location suitable for the ambush, you can choose your target and even the time. Sometimes our friends show up late to their appointment, but that doesn't bother us. As long as they show up, we are happy!
During one of our recent encounters, the Taliban convoy stopped in the middle of the kill zone. They were outraged for being ambushed. They have become so arrogant that they don't respect us anymore. Unfortunately, that's the last time he will stop his truck anywhere
Read 5 tweets

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