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Nov 22nd 2020
#FCRAViolation Society Of St. Anne got Rs 2.83 Cr from #FCRA, openly declared that, "Evangelization was the primary mission!" Also it has provided figures of #Catholic conversions in #AndhraPradesh on website! Appealed @HMOIndia to cancel its registration #ConversionMafia ++
On its website it is shown that Sister Anthonamma is the Superior General who heads this NGO, under her guidance, evangelization activities r carried out as is shown in photo! Its Initiatives, Core Values n Guiding Principles all include #RiceBag distribution EVANGELISATION’ ++
One of its donors namely PIME, Italy, in its website under the head India states, “Hinduism, n more recent Extremist Hinduism, has led to problems in the rural areas of the country with religious minorities being beaten and sometimes killed.”, all comments w/o evidences ++
Read 6 tweets
May 11th 2020
Africa's 1st #nobel laureate Wole Soyinka explains how the church created the African version of the devil from the Orisha God Eshu. #distortion #destruction #violence of Xtianity.
Watch the SELL-OUT #ricebag or #cassavabag priest on the right with no AFRICAN pride
This is the majestic Eshu of the Orisha religion who became the devil in Africa. SOUND familiar? Ma Kaali has this unique designation as well.Tried and true methods
#missionkaali #SleepingHindus need to learn and combat #conversionmafia spread the word by RTing #Africa #African
Some #African s are fighting back by bringing back the majestic Eshu of the Orisha religion
Read 4 tweets

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