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Oct 4th 2019
Why do we need #EqualRightsforHindus?
1. #RighttoChildhoodFun
Courts rule that Dahi Handi, Diwali, Holi - dangerous, polluting, water wastage. Children & families love these festivals.
But actually Childhood is lost when
- self-flagellation during Moharram
- Radicalisation leading to Child suicide bombers
- Children paid for stoning Army, etc.
Childhood also lost when
- Church & its supporting NGOs force
Schoolchildren to protest against Government for
- Aarey, Sterlite Copper issue, etc.
Village sports Jallikattu, Kumbala, Dahi Handi train & test fitness of individuals. V. important.
- Unlike #WeaponsTraining or #LoveJihad training by Radical Islamists
- Unlike Acts of Epilepsy, Mental Illness by Evangelists
Read 11 tweets
Sep 1st 2019
NEW: A Mississippi venue allegedly cancelled a couple's wedding plans after discovering the couple was a black man + a white woman.

"We don’t do gay weddings or mixed race, because of our Christian race—I mean, our Christian belief," a woman says.
I called the wedding venue today to find out why they cancelled the wedding for the interracial couple. A man answered. I told him why he was calling and if refusing interracial couples really is their policy.

"No comment," he said, quickly hanging up.…
IMPORTANT: This comes after the MS Legislature passed & Gov. @PhilBryantMS signed 2 "religious freedom" laws—#SB2681 in 2014 & #HB1523 in 2016—making it easier for businesses to discriminate against LGBT people. #MSleg

Supporters said they wouldn't affect interracial couples.
Read 15 tweets

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