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Sep 28th 2022
tags: #rodydeku, #bkdk (endgame), aged-up characters (23-24), fem!izuku, #angst, hurt/comfort, #fluff


"He wants a divorce."
When Ashido had asked Izuku how her marriage was going, no one in that room was expecting /that/ answer. All eyes zeroed in on Izuku as they studied her body language and hoped that she was giving false information.
Eijirou was the first one to speak, "Wait. Rody Soul, the guy who's been in love with you for millions of years at this point, wants to divorce /you?!/" Izuku nodded and sighed before continuing the news.
Read 33 tweets
Jun 16th 2022
#bkdk #rodydeku You know what I want? Sad cheating angst with Rody x Deku. Like…Rody starts to get introduced to more healthy and positive company, and doesn’t struggle to make ends meet. He’s recognized for his skills, and starts making a name for himself.
He loves Izuku so much, for speaking words of encouragement and always believing in him. The thing is though, people who would’ve never even glanced Rody’s way…are starting to look at him.
He likes it, being worth looking at. Flirted with.
One night though, things go too far and he sleeps with someone from a bar. He wakes up panicked, almost throwing up. Knowing Izuku is waiting for a good morning text, always lovingly trusting.
He promises himself it’ll never happen again. He loves Izuku, wants to marry him.
Read 16 tweets
Jun 15th 2022
#bkdk #drama #omegaverse #agegap (Starts #rodydeku but bkdk endgame)

Based off the song “Rude” by Magic!

Alpha Bakugo Katsuki was given too much power he knew what to do with when the beloved Duke Toshinori Yagi passed on his land to him before passing away, on one condition:
He care for his treasure, his beloved son, Midoriya Izuku. Katsuki had helped care for the omega as a faithful aid to the Duke and was close to him as he grew up. He was only eight years older than him so he never really considered it babysitting. More guarding than anything.
But still, Katsuki took his responsibility seriously as the new Duke and the now caretaker of the 12 year old seriously. Deku was easy to watch out for. He was good and helpful. He was loved by everyone, but this took an unexpected turn when he became of age to marry.
Read 34 tweets

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