#bkdk #drama #omegaverse #agegap (Starts #rodydeku but bkdk endgame)

Based off the song “Rude” by Magic!

Alpha Bakugo Katsuki was given too much power he knew what to do with when the beloved Duke Toshinori Yagi passed on his land to him before passing away, on one condition:
He care for his treasure, his beloved son, Midoriya Izuku. Katsuki had helped care for the omega as a faithful aid to the Duke and was close to him as he grew up. He was only eight years older than him so he never really considered it babysitting. More guarding than anything.
But still, Katsuki took his responsibility seriously as the new Duke and the now caretaker of the 12 year old seriously. Deku was easy to watch out for. He was good and helpful. He was loved by everyone, but this took an unexpected turn when he became of age to marry.
Katsuki had never truly processed the weight of his responsibility until then. Shitty extra after shitty extra approached Izuku with marriage proposals and bless the omegas heart, he was enchanted by every one of them. It was up to Katsuki to protect him.
For years, anyone who tried, Katsuki would ruthlessly shut them down. No one was good enough for Toshinori’s son. Izuku had always looked up to Katsuki and his opinion was law so while he would be broken hearted by each rejection, he would accept it and move on.
But now, on his twenty-first birthday, Izuku was getting impatient. Every omega his age was already married with pups on the way. More than anything, he wanted that. An alpha, a family. But the Duke he loved and respected so much wouldn’t allow it. His proposals all but ceased.
“Deku-Sama.” Ochaco, his servant who was now pregnant from her own alpha, much to his jealousy, knocked on his door. “The Duke would like to meet you for breakfast.”

Izuku didn’t respond, opting to stay in bed and pretend he wasn’t another year older.

Ochaco burst in the room and smiled softly. “You’re a bad actor, you know. Come on, get up or Bakugo-Sama will have my head and serve ME for breakfast.”

“Maybe if I stay asleep, my true love will kiss me awake and Kacchan will HAVE to let me marry them.” Izuku whined.
“Or he will feed them to the dragon himself for kissing you without your consent.” Ochaco giggled.

“Probably.” Izuku sighed as he got up out of bed and stretched, his curls a wild mess.

“Let me fix this.” The servant grabbed a brush and began humming while she went to work.
“How’s Sayaki-Chan?” The green haired beauty asked as he gently rubbed his servants belly.

“It’s Miyuki-Chan now.” Ochaco hummed.

“I liked Sayaki.” Izuku pouted.

“So did I. But Tenya insists on Miyuki.”

“Should I order him to change it back?” Izuku giggled.

The two talked about all kinds of things until Izuku was bathed and ready to go.

“How is he today?” Izuku questioned, referring to the Duke.

“You know he’s always in a good mood when it comes to you. But for everyone else…well we had to get a new Gardner and he’s annoyed.”
She informed him.

“A new Gardner? Is Asui-San okay?” Izuku blinked.

“Yeaaaah.” Ochaco blinked nervously. “She’s fine.” Her voice hitched up an octave.

“She’s finally married, is that it?” Izuku pouted.

“I’m sorry?” Ochaco shrugged.

“Don’t be.” The omega sighed.
“It’s not your fault that I’m gonna be alone with twelve cats, two lions and a penguin for company.” He smiled sadly.

“The penguin’s new! Are you moving to the arctic?” Ochaco perked up.

“Maybe. It would be funny to watch Kacchan chase away a polar bear who tries to marry me.”
The two laughed before they parted ways and Izuku hurried to breakfast. He was in a rush so he didn’t look where he was running until he bumped into someone on accident.

“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry!” The omega apologized as he fell back.
“Geez, you rich folk really don’t watch your surroundings, do you?” The handsome brunette stranger with worn clothing questioned.

“I’m sorry! I was in such a hurry cause I’m late to meet the Duke for breakfast!” He bowed several times.
“Well now you have to make it up to me. You have to stand here for 5 more minutes.” The brunette waved his fingers.

“5 more?!” Izuku gawked. “I-I’m so sorry but I can’t keep him waiting any-”

“6 more!” The brunette sang.

“Okay! Okay! 5 minutes!” Izuku blushed.
Izuku anxiously looked at the clock while the man next to him whistled for the first minute.

“U-um I don’t think I’ve seen you before. What’s you name?” The omega asked him.

“Asking me for my name before introducing yourself?” The brunette scoffed.

“Sorry!” Izuku whined
“I’m Midoriya Izuku but most people around here call me Deku because Kacchan calls me that because I’ve known him since forever and-” The omega began to babble.

“Huh?!” The brunette’s eyes widened and a sweat drop went down his head. “Did you say….Midoriya Izuku? As in, FUCK!”
“Why didn’t you start with that huh?! It is customary when someone gives you shit that you, as a royal, says ‘I’m sorry but I could have your family murdered!’ And then I, as a poor person can grovel at your feet for forgiveness and we can move on you know?!”
Izuku laughed and it startled the brunette as he listened to the most beautiful sound he had ever heard in his life. “You’re kind of funny. What’s your name?”

“Rody. Rody Soul. The new Gardner. Please don’t murder my family.” The brunette grumbled.

“I’ll think about it.”
Izuku teased. “On one condition, you cut this 5 minutes short so the Duke doesn’t Murder ME!”

“Yeah. Um. Okay. You’re free to go, your highness.” Rody bowed exasperatedly.

“Just call me Deku.” The omega giggled. “I’ll see you around, Rody!”
“Kirishima!” Katsuki hollered at his closest aid. “Go see what’s taking Deku so damn long.”

“He’s only about 5 minutes late sir. Give him a break, it’s his birthday.” Eijiro lamented. “Maybe he just wanted to sleep in.”
“Or maybe there’s a damn creep in his room and your yapping is buying him enough time to sneak off with him, ya ever think of that?!” Katsuki roared.

“Okay okay, I’ll check, jeez.” Kirishima sighed.
“I swear if he’s just dallying around I’m gonna make him spend his birthday with the crocodiles in the fucking moat!” Katsuki threatened before his heart skipped a beat at the rushed footsteps into the dining room.

“Kacchan! I’m so sorry I’m late!” Izuku caught his breath.
“Deku, what are you doing running? Take your damn time, it’s your day afterall.” Katsuki smiled softly.

“Not like crocodiles are chasing you.” Eijiro rolled his eyes.

“Can it.” Katsuki snapped. “Sit.” Katsuki ordered and the omega happily took his place by his side.
“Is this Mom’s omelette?” Izuku questioned excitedly.

“Still have the recipe. Made it myself.” Katsuki shrugged. “Dig in.”

“Thank you! You really didn’t have to.” The omega blushed.

“Ya know I never do shit I don’t want to, now eat.” Katsuki rolled his eyes.
They ate in comfortable silence. Izuku couldn’t help how his eyes wandered to Katsuki’s large hands, and thick muscly arms as he shoved food in his mouth with his chopsticks. It made him ache. He wanted an alpha just like Kacchan. Someone strong and handsome.
“What are thinkin’ bout, huh?” Katsuki poked his head with his chopsticks.

“N-nothing.” The omega blushed. “Just um, I’m really grateful to you is all.”

“Ya don’t have to be.” Katsuki shrugged.

“I know but I am. Really, thank you for being in my life.” Izuku smiled.
“I know my father-”

“I woulda done it anyway, Deku.” Katsuki plopped his hand on his head. “Even if he didn’t give me all this, I wouldn’t have stopped watching out for you.”

“Well thank you! That makes me really happy!” Izuku pushed his gratitude further.

“It’s whatever.”
The alpha blushed as the sparkle in Izuku’s eyes blinded him. That was the other thing about Deku maturing. He really grew up to be quite beautiful. He always had been but now everyone else was starting to notice and his scent was overwhelming in all the right ways.
Or in this case, the VERY WRONG AND FUCKED UP ON SO MANY LEVELS, WAYS. Katsuki constantly had to keep his own alpha at bay which was screaming at him to take what belonged to him. It confused their relationship. That’s all it was. A confusion.
“I met the new Gardner on the way here.” Izuku changed the subject. “He’s…interesting!”

“I only hired him cause we needed someone fast and he was the only one who was able to start today.” Katsuki sighed.

“Why did you need someone so fast?” Deku questioned.
“Come with me and find out.” Katsuki stood up and offered his arm which the omega leapt up and linked with his own excitedly.

The two walked to the garden which a beautiful four string quartet playing the theme song for a traveling puppet show Izuku used to LOVE.
It was based off his father, depicting him as a superhero named All Might. Izuku got butterflies in his stomach as they made their way to the center of the garden which had the bushes trimmed to mimic his infamous tufts filled with yellow flowers and surrounded by an arch-
covered in red, white and blue ones.

“Happy Birthday.” Katsuki whispered as the omega got emotional.

“Kacchan! This is amazing! Thank you!” Izuku cried as he held onto his arm tightly.

“I gotta do a few annoying things but I’ll be back for lunch.” Katsuki informed him.
“I look forward to it!” Izuku beamed at him.

After the Duke left, Izuku snuck around to the garden shed and perked up when he found who he was looking for.

“I don’t think I’ll need to kill your family after THAT.” Deku giggled. “You did all that this morning?!”
“What can I say?” Rody wiped the sweat off his brow, trying to look cool. “I work fast. Aaand I got a bit of a head start. Enjoy your puppet show bush?” He teased.

“More like a bush that resembles my deceased father, yes.” Izuku smiled nervously.
“Ah fuck.” Rody sighed. “I keep putting my family on the chopping block, huh?”

Izuku giggled and grabbed a scythe from the shed. “Maybe.” He poked the alphas chin with it before walking slowly toward him. “Or maybe just your own.”

Rody stared into those mischievous green eyes.
“What if instead of my head, I take you to dinner sometime instead? Hopefully I’ll have a better place to store my feet.” Rody asked determinedly, overtaken by the omegas beauty.

“Your feet?” Deku questioned.

“Yeah. So they’re not in my mouth all the time.” Rody gulped.
Izuku giggled before putting the scythe down. “Okay. I’d love to.”

Hope filled his stomach. Rody was obviously new to town so he wasn’t scared of Kacchan…yet. He may have been a Gardner but there was something about him that made the omega absolutely enchanted.
“Really? I-I mean uh, yeah. How about uh..” Rody had just moved to this town with his siblings. He honestly had no idea what there was to eat or had any money to treat goddamn nobility to dinner, what was he thinking?

“Tomorrow evening, there’s a lake just outside the town.”
“Make me something, and we’ll have an evening picnic.” Izuku suggested.

“That’s totally what I was gonna say!” Rody grinned as the omega laughed once again.

“Perfect. Thanks again for the hard work. Your family is spared another day.” Deku teased.

“See you tomorrow then!”
Later that evening, Izuku got a knock on his door before bed.

“Who is it?” He asked.

“It’s me.” Katsuki announced.

“Come in!” The omega happily opened the door in his pajamas.

“Already worn out for the day, huh?” Katsuki smirked.
“It was amazing, thanks to you.” The omega beamed.

“I got one more thing for you.” Katsuki handed him a tiny box.

“What is this?” Izuku blinked.

“Open it and find out.” The alpha ordered as Izuku did just that and pulled out a beautiful necklace with a green marble locket.
He excitedly opened it, revealing a picture of the two of them when they were younger with Toshinori’s hands on both their heads.

“Kacchan.” Izuku’s eyes watered for about the tenth time that day. “Thank you.”

Katsuki grabbed it and gently clasped it around his neck.
“Its so you know, no matter what, you’re not alone.” He made sure it fit securely before tracing his hand down the chain and flinching away from his scent gland when he reached it, resisting the damn urge to kiss it.

“I know that.” Izuku grabbed his hand. “But still,”
“This means a lot.” Izuku smiled at him.

“Alright, I got one more thing for you Midoriya-Sama!” Kirishima ran in with a cupcake and a candle. “Make a wish!”

Izuku giggled and closed his eyes before blowing out the candle.

“What’d you wish for?” Eijiro questioned excitedly.
“It’s a secret.” Izuku blushed sheepishly. He wished for the same thing every year. To find an alpha as amazing as Kacchan to marry and to start his family.

“Goodnight nerd. And once again, happy birthday.” Katsuki ruffled his hair.


Maybe Rody would be the one.
The next evening, Rody sat under the moonlight nervously, certainly too early but he had no idea what rich boys ate for dinner and he agonized and agonized until his little sister suggested he just make his favorite dish.

“And if they’re right for you, they’ll love it too!”
She smiled and Rody thanked her. Now here he was sitting with a basket full of rolled roast beef sandwiches. God, he was so lame.

“Wow, you’re here!” Deku’s voice startled him.

“Deku! Hey!” Rody waved. “Bout time you showed up.” He teased. “Hope you’re hungry.”
“This is the most divine thing you will eat.” He presented the sandwich to the omega who looked at in puzzlement.

“What’s that?” Deku blinked excitedly.

“Have you seriously never had a sandwich?” Rody laughed, beside himself.

“Kacchan doesn’t let me eat a lot of bread.”
“He says it’s unhealthy.” Izuku sat by his side and took a big bite. “This is delicious!” He cheered and Rody felt his alpha pride swelling at how happy he was eating it. He cheeks looked so cute, he wanted to pinch them.

“You’re like a rabbit having it’s first bite of lettuce.”
Rody chuckled as he bit into his sandwich.

“Well thank you for introducing me to lettuce.” Izuku giggled with him. They talked throughout the night and Izuku found out lots of things about Rody. How he was actually from another country.
How his father died and he was tasked to care for his siblings. Izuku couldn’t help how his heart swelled. He really was an alpha like Kacchan. But also different, unique in his own way. Talking to him was like a game of Chess that the omega couldn’t get enough of.
“So what’s the deal with you and the Duke?” Rody questioned. “He obviously cares for you, but you guys aren’t actually related right? To be honest, when he first told me about what he wanted for the garden, I thought you would have to at least be married or something.”
“Kacchan and I..” Izuku reached for his locket and traced it affectionately. “Have known each other all my life. He worked for my father and he was so amazing my father trusted him with everything including me when he passed away. So, he takes of me.”
“But I don’t really know what to call him. Friend isn’t exactly right, caretaker doesn’t sound right either. Mmmm..Kacchan is just Kacchan.” Izuku giggled.

“I see.” Rody sighed in relief before taking off his shoes.

“What are you doing?” Deku asked.

“Getting ready to swim!”
He stood up, took off his shirt and offered his hand.

“Huh?” Izuku blinked.

“What, we’re at a lake. It looks great! I thought for sure that was the purpose right?” Rody questioned.

“I..I’ve never been swimming in the lake before.” The omega stated in fascination.
“Seriously?!” Rody gawked. “Well come on, Rabbit. Let’s enjoy some more lettuce.”

Izuku laughed at the stupid analogy before grabbing his hand. He had never been more thrilled as he removed his shirt and dove right in.
“ITS FREEZING!” Izuku shrieked as Rody laughed and pulled him close to him.

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep you warm.” He smiled at him and Izuku felt mushy all over before wrapping his hands around his neck and kissing him fiercely.

“Okay. Keep me warm.” He whispered.
Later that evening, Izuku excitedly snuck back inside the estate, his hair still wet.

“Where the hell have you been?” Katsuki’s voice startled him.

“Aaah! You scared me!” Izuku turned around to face him.

“The fuck is your hair all wet for?”
Izuku thought about to say, but lying to Kacchan never worked out well and he could always tell when he lied anyway.

“I went swimming in the lake.” He confessed.

“With who??” Katsuki snapped. “It’s cold as fuck outside, Deku!”

“Um, with someone who made it worth it?”
Izuku smiled sheepishly, bracing for the fight that was about to come. He hated going through this. Every time he found someone, it was always a fight with Kacchan. He didn’t like it which made him more and more hesitant to pursue ANYONE in the last year and a half.
But Rody was special. He was different from all the others. He didn’t care about money or status and he wasn’t one back down. He hoped that would win over Kacchan.

“Shit.” Katsuki sighed in frustration. “What loser is it this time huh?”

“He’s not a loser. And I really like him”
Deku said defensively.

“Ya know I’m gonna figure it out so just tell me so we can get to the part where I kick that extra to the side.” Katsuki snapped.

“Why is that the end result?! Don’t you want me to be happy! Shouldn’t you hope you actually LIKE this one.”
Izuku said desperately as his eyes started to water.

“Of course I hope for the fucking best for you but Deku, I have yet to find that. And you deserve nothing less than the BEST. Don’t settle for any loser who tell you you’re pretty.” Katsuki scoffed.
“Is that what you think I’m doing?! I’m not 12 years old anymore, Kacchan! I’m Twenty-One and I think I know a good person when I see one! Did you know Asui-San got married?? Asui-San of all people finally found love and I…I’m tired of waiting for my happy ending!”
Izuku argued.

“There’s no such things as happy endings, Deku! You don’t get married, and your life just ENDS. You still have to live it. You still have to STAY happy. And I have yet to find someone who can do that for you, okay?!” Katsuki explained.
Izuku began to cry and Katsuki hated it. He couldn’t stand it when the omega was upset.

“Look, when this guy you like has the balls to see me, I’ll TRY and give him a fair shot okay?” Katsuki pet his head.

“Really?” Izuku smiled.

“Yeah. Now get your ass a bath.”
About three months passed by and Izuku was head over heels in love with Rody and thankfully he was also crazy about him. It was time for Rody to confront the Duke and ask permission to marry the beautiful omega he had the pleasure of courting. He was a nervous wreck.
The two entered the estate and Izuku was muttering miles a minute, too much information for Rody to process.

“And remember to offer to shake his hand, he won’t shake it back but he would upset if you didn’t at least offer.”

“Sweetie.” Rody pressed their foreheads together.
“Enough talking, okay?” He kissed his lips softly. “Let’s do this.”

The door opened to the dining area where Katsuki was sitting at the end of table. He looked at the two and scoffed.

“Don’t tell me this fucker is late.” Katsuki rolled his eyes.
“Kacchan, we’re-” Izuku began to say.

“The fucking gardeners here befors him.” Katsuki sighed.

“Um, Kacchan, this is-”

“Duke Bakugo Katsuki, my name is Rody Soul and I’m in love with Izuku! Allow me to have the pleasure of marrying him.” Rody stuck his hand out.
Katsuki stared at it before looking at Izuku’s nervous face and back at Rody.

“You’re shitting me.” He burst into laughter. “Deku. The fucking Gardner?!”

“Kacchan!” Izuku scolded, mortified. “He’s nice and kind and he makes me really happy!”
“I’m Rody Soul! Not just the Gardner which you hired yourself but a caretaker for my siblings, a survivor, someone who knows exactly how to live in this harsh world. And I will do anything to assure Izuku is always taken care of, no matter what!” Rody pushed through.
“No offense, Rody.” Katsuki sighed. “Deku, why don’t you tell him your favorite snack? Go ahead.”

“Um…” Izuku gulped. “Caviar on Saltines with crushed sea salt?”

“And tell him what your favorite opera show is, or how about which horses you prefer to watch, why don’t you”
tell him how much just the silk gold laced sheets in your nest that you love so much cost? Wait, you don’t know that right?! Because you don’t know shit about money Deku. Cause you’ve never had to even think about it. This guy?” He pointed at Rody. “A life with him,”
“will have you thinking about it. And trust me that’s no fucking way to live your life.” Katsuki leaned back. “Pass. Get out.”

“Kacchan wait!” Izuku cried. “I don’t need all that! I don’t care, I love him! I want to be with him! Please let me be happy, finally!”
“You can’t be happy with that nobody!” Katsuki snapped before Rody slammed the table, stopping their argument.

“I’m not a nobody! Look here Duke Bakugo, I may not have a lot of money or come from a family you find acceptable, but I’m a human being!”
“I came here baring my heart on the table to show you I love Izuku! And I will do anything to have him by my side forever. So you’ll give me your blessing!” He demanded.

“Or what?!” Katsuki roared.

“Or I’ll just marry him anyway!” Rody shrugged.

“You can’t fucking do that!”
Katsuki looked at him like he was crazy.

“There’s no LAW stopping me. If you won’t approve, I’ll just take my sibling and Izuku and get him away from you!” Rody yelled.

“Deku wouldn’t.” Katsuki seethed.

“A-actually I will!” Izuku cried. “Yes! Let’s do it!”
“Deku!” Katsuki roared.

“Kacchan I’m sorry! I really am! But I can’t let you stop me from having a family any longer.” Izuku bowed.

“Good. Then I’ll pick you up at the end of the week, and we’ll leave together.” Rody smiled. “You can say your GOODBYES then.”
Rody left victorious walking out hand in hand with Izuku who turned around and mouthed sorry before following him out the door.

The next day, Katsuki threw all sorts of things around his chamber in anger. That ungrateful brat. Deku was just gonna fucking leave him?!
Like that! There had to be a way he could stop it!

“Bakugo, I’m sorry.” Kirishima came in, ducking from the random objects the Duke threw around. “But that Rody guy is right. You really can’t stop them in any legal way from getting married somewhere else!”
“Damnit! There has to be a way! Look harder!” Katsuki ordered.

“Bakugo, I’m sorry the only way to legally oppose Midoriya getting married is if he’s already married to someone else.” Eijiro laughed as Katsuki froze in place.

“Bakugo?” Kirishima questioned nervously.
“Kirishima.” Katsuki smirked. “Get the servants and tell them to get the house ready.”

“Ready for?” Eijiro swallowed the lump in his throat.

“Deku’s marriage of course.” Katsuki said wildly.

“To Rody?”

“To Me.”
The next day, Izuku stared at the ceiling in his room, unable to sleep

“Deku-Sama…” Ochaco knocked on the door weakly.

“Come in.” Izuku allowed as the pregnant servant entered crying.

“Are you really leaving? You know I’ll lose my job, right?” Her lip wobbled.
“You of course will be coming with me!” Izuku wrapped her in a hug. “I’d never leave you high and dry especially with Miyuki on the way.”

“It’s Sophie now.” Ochaco said sadly. “I think western names are cute. You won’t even get to meet her.”

“Like I said-”
“Deku-Sama. Rody-San can’t AFFORD to pay me. You won’t be able to bring me with you.” The servant explained while Izuku looked at her as if she spoke gibberish.

“I’m sure we can work that out!” Izuku blinked while Ochaco laughed.

“Do you really want to run away?”
She asked as she traced her hand across all of the jewelry on his dresser. “Leave all this behind?”

“Of course I don’t want to run away!” Izuku broke. “I..I want more than anything for Kacchan to give his blessing so I don’t have to! But I don’t know how to get through to him!”
“You know Bakugo-Sama just wants what’s best for you!” Ochaco smiled.

“Who’s side are you on?!” Izuku snapped.

“Yours! Always yours! But I think running will be a mistake!” Ochaco sat by him.

“Let me ask you, would you run away if Iida-San asked you?” Izuku questioned.
“Not with Sophie on the way!” Ochaco stood up firmly. “I have more than just myself to think about now. And soon, so will you!”

Izuku plopped his head back on his pillow in frustration. “I liked Sayaki better.”

“Well you can’t order me to change it if run away, now can you?”
Izuku stuck his tongue out at her and turned around. “I want to be with Rody. I love him. Kacchan won’t let me…and… and I don’t want to lose his support either. So, I don’t know about any of this. I just want to be happy. Why won’t he let me?”
“I don’t know.” Ochaco pouted. “I kind of understand why he doesn’t like Rody. But I thought that Prince Todoroki was a perfect match for you and he even said no to him. Also that traveling entertainer Kaminari was hilarious. You would have had a fun life with him.”
“Do you think I should just listen to Kacchan and be alone forever?” Izuku’s eyes watered.

“You won’t be alone.” Ochaco grabbed his hand. “You have me. And Sayaki.”

“You’ll stick with Sayaki?”

“Only if you stay.” She smiled.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
“Deku.” Katsuki’s voice boomed.

“Bakugo-Sama?!” Ochaco shrieked. “Give me a moment! He hasn’t dressed yet!” She frantically started fussing with his curls.

“It’s fine. You’re dismissed.” Katsuki stated firmly.

“Oh..Okay!” Ochaco opened the door and bowed before running.
“Kacchan.” Izuku stood up nervously “A-about last night. I-”

“I’m allowing it.” Katsuki said firmly.

“Huh?” The omega blinked in confusion. “Allowing…”

“I’m allowing the marriage to go forward. I already told the Gardner. You’ll marry this evening.” The Duke stated.
“R-really?!” Izuku grabbed his hands excitedly. “You’re really giving your blessing?!”

“I don’t want you going anywhere Deku.” Katsuki whispered. “I’ve worked to hard to give you a good life here.”

“Thank you!” The omega cried. “You have no idea how much this means!”
“The servants will tell you how the ceremony works. It’s important you do it this way. It’s how you father married your mom. It’s what he would have wanted.” Katsuki instructed.

“O-okay!” Izuku nodded furiously.

“One more thing. It’s bad luck to talk to him before the ceremony”
“So you can’t say shit to each other till after the ceremony is done, you understand?” The Duke informed Izuku who was eating up every word.

“Got it!” He smiled his wobbly smile that was filled with hope and Katsuki couldn’t help the small twinge of guilt. But he had to do this.
It was a “blind ceremony”. The two had to wear long hooded veils covering their faces. Izuku was so nervous, he could barely see the walkway in front of him much less notice everyone who was in attendance. Or notice that Rody was significantly taller than he knew him to be.
“We are gathered here today,” The person marrying them began to speak and Izuku couldn’t believe his luck. He was really getting married. By next year, he would have a pup of his own. Maybe it could play with Ochaco’s.

“It is now time to sign the marriage certificate.”
Izuku excitedly grabbed the quill and signed first. The person conducting the ceremony had their hand over Rody’s signature line before passing it to him quickly before the omega could notice. His now husband signed the other line making their marriage official.
When he was finished signing, he passed the document to the waiting court attendant who immediately took it and fled the ceremony.

“And now, I officially wish you happiness in your marriage. Congratulations.” The leader of the ceremony stated and the people attending clapped.
Izuku tried to see through his veil but it was hard. He looked for any flash of blonde. Was Kacchan not here? Did he not attend the ceremony?

His husband offered his arm and Izuku took it as they entered the back room to the dining hall.

“Can you believe we did it?!”
Izuku began to babble excitedly as he removed his own veil. “I can’t believe we actually got married. I’m so happy. So so happy to be your husband, your omega and I don’t care about any of the money or anything. I know you’ll give me an amazing life!”
“I..I need to kiss you! Let me see you! And then we need to find Kacchan. I really need to thank him for making this happen and-”

“Don’t thank me yet, Deku.” Katsuki’s voice said from behind the veil and the omega’s face paled.

“Huh?” Izuku froze, feeling his blood run cold.
His mind swirled, chills filling his body as he shakily reached for the veil before lifting it up quickly and revealing not the man he thought he married, but the Duke, his longtime friend and caretaker Bakugo Katsuki.

“Kacchan..what’s…what’s going on?” Izuku asked weakly.
“Where’s Rody?”

“He’s working long and hard in the garden to prepare for OUR celebration. Not like he knows it. I’m sorry I had to do it this way Deku. But if this is the only way I can legally stop you from making the dumbest mistake of your life, so be it!” Katsuki explained.
Izuku felt his whole world crash down. “So…the person I married…is Kacchan?” He felt dizzy.

“It’s just until anyone better comes along. Since ya won’t listen to me, this is what I HAD to do. If ya find someone ACTUALLY worthy, I’ll dissolve the marriage and-”
“So you don’t even WANT ME?!” Izuku cried tears of frustration, and heartbreak. “YOU JUST MARRIED ME TO CONTROL ME?!”

“I married you to stop you from being an idiot!” Katsuki snapped as the omega began to break down, distress filling the air.

“Deku-” Katsuki reached for him.
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” Izuku swatted his hand away as he began to sob. “I WAS HAPPY! I WAS SO HAPPY AND YOU RUINED IT! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!”

“I HAD TO!” Katsuki roared.

“YOU HAD TO TRICK ME?!” The omega cried hysterically as Katsuki began to choke at the overwhelming distress.
“Deku, calm down. I’m SORRY okay! But this is for your own good!” The Duke choked up. He hated how upset Izuku was but he HAD to do this. Why didn’t the omega understand?

“I WAS GONNA TELL RODY WE’D HAVE TO KEEP WORKING TO GET YOUR APPROVAL BUT…But I couldn’t leave you. I couldn’t after everything you’ve done for me! But now…NOW I WISH I RAN THAT NIGHT!” He broke the locket Katsuki gave him right off his neck and threw it at him.
“I’m sorry!” Katsuki tried to reach for him but it was too late. Izuku was completely repulsed by him.

“I’ll never ever forgive you!” The omega shouted before running out of the hall, sobbing all the way to his room.

Katsuki sank to the ground and sighed. He prepared for this.
He knew Deku would be upset but it didn’t hurt any less. He didn’t know Izuku wasn’t going to actually run away. But damnit, who’s to say the next Bozo to sweep him off his feet won’t convince him to do the same damn thing? Katsuki just did what he had to do. This was all for him
“Guessing he’s not staying for cake, huh?” Eijiro opened the door sheepishly.

“Shut up!” Katsuki snapped.

“You know he’s probably gonna hate you forever, right?” The aid handed him a giant jug of beer.

“It’s Deku. He’ll forgive me eventually.” Katsuki sighed.
“Either way, he’s stuck with you for life or until you say so.” Eijiro shrugged. “I gotta ask. Why couldn’t you just be honest with him? This would have gone a lot smoother.”

“The fuck are you talking about?” Katsuki rolled his eyes.

“Come on Kats. I’m not dumb.”
“You are if you say one more disgusting thought you’re thinking.” Katsuki snapped.

“I’m just saying. Midoriya just wants to be loved. If you bared your heart to him, he would have picked you over anyone in a heartbeat, you never had to-”

Katsuki roared.

“You’re really being bashful NOW. After you MARRIED him?! We’re beyond fucked up territory now Katsuki! If you want to make it right, show him how you really feel or you’ll lose him for good!” Kirishima snapped. “Come on, be a man!”

“I said you’re dismissed!”
Rody wiped his brow after finally finishing his long day in the garden. He was shocked he wasn’t fired immediately. But maybe his ultimatum would have the Duke change his mind. He observed his handy work and smiled. It really was a beautiful night.

“Ahh!” The alpha shrieked before turning around and looking at the small omega before him. “Baby, you scared me.” He sighed happily. “What’s wrong?!” He noticed Izuku’s eyes were swollen and red. He looked distraught and so so tired. Rody pulled him into his arms tightly.
But Izuku was stiff. He made no moves to hug him back. He was almost lifeless. It was scaring the alpha.

“Deku.” He caressed his face.

“Take this.” Izuku handed him and envelope full of cash. “And sell these.” He grabbed his gold chained necklaces from his pocket. “Then leave.”

“I thought I was marrying you tonight.” The omega began to explain. “Kacchan told me he gave his blessing. He made me do a blind ceremony. I should have asked more questions but I was too blinded by my happiness. It wasn’t you who I married but Kacchan.”

Rody blinked in shock. “There’s no way that’s legal right?! He can’t just do that!”

“We can’t be together anymore. And you and your family need to get out of here before Kacchan does something WORSE to keep you away from me.” Izuku said as steadily as he could.

“No way!”
“I’m not leaving without you! I don’t care that you’re married to someone else-” Rody began to protest.

“Well I do…” Izuku said weakly as more tears fell out of his eyes. “I do care. I’m married and it’s to someone who doesn’t even want me. But…but it’s my messed up life.”
“I’m not going to drag you into it. I’m not going to drag your brother and sister into it! Kacchan has more power than you know. So please. Just go before you all get hurt.” Izuku backed away.

“I’m gonna take Roro and Lala and get them somewhere safe.”
“Then mark my words Midoriya Izuku, I WILL come back for you!” Rody declared fiercely.

“It’s Bakugo Izuku now.” The omega corrected him. “Goodbye Rody. Thank you for loving me.” He said as his voice cracked and he ran back inside.

Rody felt powerless as he watched him run.
Two weeks past since the wedding and Katsuki pushed his breakfast away in frustration. Izuku always at every meal with him. But he hadn’t left his room at all since that night. Why couldn’t he just get over it already?! It was just a piece of damn paper!

Katsuki demanded.

“Yes your highness.” Eijiro marched in in exhaustion.

“Where’s Deku?!” Katsuki interrogated.

“Still in his nest, sir. He won’t speak to anyone but Uraraka and she’s to deliver her own pup soon so I don’t know if he’ll talk to anyone when she goes on leave.”
“Find a way to get him out!” Katsuki snapped.

“He hates me just as much as you right now! We need to get Uraraka to convince him but she also hates us!” Eijiro groaned.

“She doesn’t hate me, she was all smiles when I gave her her pay.” Katsuki pointed out.

“Gee, I wonder why?”
Katsuki scowled at him before they were interrupted by the door opening.

“Go away! I don’t got time for anyone else!” Katsuki snapped.

“Not even your blushing bride?” Izuku’s voice said sarcastically.

“Deku?!” Katsuki’s breath hitched. “Come in!” He stood up.
Izuku walked in gracefully, wearing a silk white gown that hugged him in all the right places but was still too big causing him to drag the train on the floor when he walked.

“Izuku I-” Katsuki began to grovel before the omega put his hand up, stopping him.
“I’m going to talk and you’re going to listen.” Izuku said firmly and the alpha sat right back down in his chair. “I don’t care about your reasons. I don’t care that you tricked me anymore. What’s done is done. We’re married. YOU did this. And I’m not getting any younger.”
“What are you-”

“I said listen!” Izuku snapped. “My heat begins tomorrow and I want a family. I want a pup soon, one to play with Ochaco’s. One of my own. And YOU’RE going to give it to me, alpha.”

“Deku…” Katsuki panicked. “I can’t just-”

“No, you WILL.”
“Or I’m taking MY land back.” Izuku threatened. “My father may have given it to you because I am an omega but you married ME and the Duke’s blood runs in MY veins, not yours. Which would rightfully make everything MINE. I looked into it. I can do it in a heartbeat.”
Katsuki looked at Kirishima in a panic who nodded at him and mouthed ‘he’s right’.

“I swore to protect you Deku not-”

“Marry me?” Izuku scoffed. “It’s too late. When my heat is done, if I’m not bred and mated by you, I’m taking everything, and sidelining you to-”
“-a trophy husband. And I will NOT be dissolving you from our marriage contract. Do you understand?”

“Hang on! Can’t we talk about this?” Katsuki questioned desperately.

“You lost your right to compromise when your created this situation Kacchan. I will see you tomorrow!”
And with that Izuku marched over, grabbed his face and planted their lips together before marching back out and slamming the door shut. Leaving Katsuki absolutely speechless.

“You got a keeper there.” Eijiro swooned, impressed.

“You’re dismissed.” Katsuki said breathlessly.

• • •

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Jun 12
Thinking of Bakugo heavily drinking at a bar with Kirishima and Kaminari and Eijiro is going on about how he WANTS to sleep with his boyfriend, Izuku, but he understands he’s a virgin and he’s willing to wait.

“Is that what he told you?” Katsuki scoffs.
“Is that…not true?” Denki asks as Eijiro takes in the look on Katsuki’s face like a child being caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

“Did you two sleep together?!” Ei blurts out as Katsuki just chugs his beer and quickly asks the bartender for another.
Kirishima slams his money on the table and storms out of the bar followed by the other two.

“Hey! Where are you going?!” Denki asks.

“Where do you think?! To ask Izuku!” Eijiro snaps.

“Hey! Fuck! Don’t! It was one time when we were still at UA! It didn’t mean shit!”
Read 34 tweets
Jun 8
Where Katsuki has been told by Shoto that Deku plans to confess to him and he has been excited about it all week. Only the day before Izuku’s planned confession, Katsuki is hit with the worst quirk ever.

Make the one you love cry and they’ll forget you exist.
“It can’t be that hard!” Kirishima tries to encourage him. “You love him too so nothing can go wrong!”

“Idiot! If I say yes, he’ll cry from happiness! If I say no, he’ll cry from sadness! If I don’t say shit, he’ll overthink and cry!” Katsuki starts to break down.
Kaminari writes the possibilities on a white board:

Yes = 🥹

“Okay! How about you just say you’re busy that day! That quirk only lasts for 4 days right?” Denki asks.

“Maybe Midoriya will think he’s mad and cry?” Kirishima facepalms himself.
Read 22 tweets
Jun 7
Thinking of Katsuki being an overdoting alpha who is so excited and nervous about his little omega Deku baring their child and that he would do anything for him.

“Kacchan.” Izuku calls him crying. “I miss you.” He sniffles. “So much. How could you leave me all alone?”
Katsuki sighs, exasperated and exhausted as he is standing in the very long line at Krispy Kreme donuts in the USA that Izuku just HAD to HAVE. “I’ll be back soon, Deku. The flight home leaves in two hours.” He reassures him having just gotten off the 12 hour flight there.
“What am I supposed to do? I don’t know anything about being a single parent.” Izuku sobs. “Kacchan abandoned us.”

“Deku. Go to sleep baby, when you wake up, I’ll have those damn donuts okay?” Katsuki coos.

“Okay.” Izuku sniffles. “You promise you’ll be here when I wake up?”
Read 7 tweets
Jun 6

Midoriya Izuku looked at his watch and sighed. She was late. Again. Like always.

“Midoriya-San!” The waiter greeted him. “Your usual today?”

“I don’t know.” Deku stood up in his favorite booth at the restaurant he went every week with his wife. “Maybe To Go this time?”
“Certainly. And Ocha-”


A familiar voice jolted him from his current reality. Izuku hadn’t heard it in years. He whipped his head around so fast to the booth behind him, he hit the chandelier above his head.

“Ah! K-Kacchan?!”
Katsuki snickered. “Still a fucking dweeb I see.”

“When did you get back?!” Izuku stumbled into the seat in front of his childhood friend who had moved overseas after they graduated high school.

“A month ago.” Katsuki shrugged.

“A MONTH AGO?! Why didn’t you tell me?!”
Read 27 tweets
May 27

Where Deku wakes up in Kirishima’s body and he can’t help but take advantage because he would never have a chance to be with Kacchan otherwise. He leans in to kiss him only for the blonde to pull away.

“The fuck are you doing?”

“Kissing you?”

“Deku’s not watching!”
Izuku blinks at him in confusion. The last two weeks had been absolute hell when Kacchan announced he and Kirishima had started to date. It broke his heart but he tried to fake happy as much as possible. But it was difficult. Every time they held hands, he wanted to cry.
Every time they kissed, he had to run to the other room. And every time he saw Kirishima, he had to stop himself from going 100 percent One For All and smashing him to smithereens. Which is why it sucked that they were paired on a mission together! And Awkward!
Read 52 tweets
May 25
#bkdk #fluff #comedy #misunderstandings

Izuku was extremely nervous when he finally had the courage to ask Kacchan to be his boyfriend. When the blonde said yes, he was over the moon with happiness. Dating him was like a fever dream and he wanted to avoid ruining it at all costs
So, when he opened his locker to change back into his uniform, Deku was shocked to find a single green rose waiting for him. He frantically looked back forth to make sure his boyfriend was distracted, then he discreetly got rid of it. Who could have left him that?!
Did he have a secret admirer? Izuku was not about to let some Romeo get in between him and Kacchan! Hopefully the person sees him without the rose and gets the hint.

“Hey, nerd.” Katsuki slammed Izuku’s locker making him jump.

“Y-yes Kacchan?!” He stuttered.
Read 72 tweets

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