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Dec 29th 2022
My year end wrap up of my favorite reads from 2022 organized by month. Let me know if u want more information about any of them. ❤️
#favoritereads2022 #favoritebooks2022 #readingcommunity #RomanceReaders #romancelandia #romancebooks #audiobook #BookRecommendations
Books: January

Still Beating by Jennifer Hartmann
Something Fabulous by Alexis Hall
Written in the Stars and Hang the Moon by Alexandria Bellefleur
Radha & Jai’s Recipe for Romance by Nisha Sharma
His Grumpy Childhood Friend by Jackie Lau
Books: February

Teach Me, Touch Me, and Temper Me by Alexandria House
Far From Bliss by Lexi Blake
Count Your Lucky Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur
Under One Roof by Ali Hazelwood
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Nov 10th 2022
I think romance novel tropes are tropes because of the inherent fantasy or wish fulfillment in them. Here are my guesses about the wish fulfillment in various tropes, but I'm hoping to hear other people's thoughts!
#RomanceBooks #ThursdayThoughts #booktwitter #Booktwt
Small Town Romance - the fantasy of a big emotional support network. (The secret sauce in Hallmark movies, though when I worked at Hallmark Channel I NEVER heard anyone say this.) Your BFF wants you to be happy. So does your mom. So do ALL YOUR NEIGHBORS!
Small Town Romance is also just a validation for people who live in small towns and rural areas that are often overlooked or derided ("backwater," "flyover country," etc.).
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