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Most recents (2)

Jul 15th 2020
Initial unconfirmed reports of an IED attack against a #US Forces convoy in #Mukeshefah, between #Tikrit and #Samarra, #Iraq.
Multiple #PMU affilated channels “confirming” the attack but they aren’t sharing any other details other than the usual groups reportedly taking responsibility for it.

Note - the attack last week took around 30 minutes for images to filter through.
Will update accordingly.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 6th 2020
A very large commentary by Shaykh Muhammad Sultanabadi known as Sultan al-‘ulama (d. 1382/1963) on the main modern #ShiiSchooltext on Shii #UsulalFiqh by his teacher Akhund Khurasani (d. 1329/1911) #ShiiLegalTheory completed in 1958 1/ Image
He also wrote a gloss on his teacher’s #Hashiya on the earlier #UsulalFiqh text of Shaykh Murtada Ansari (d. 1281/1864) Fara’id al-usul #ShiiLegalTheory 2/ Image
Sultan al-‘ulama had also studied with Mirza Taqi Shirazi (d. 1312/1895) in #Samarra #ShiiLegalTheory and philosophy in #Isfahan 3/
Read 7 tweets

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