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#FridaysForFuture Week 79

What caused this war?A complex question,but #FossilFuels is definitely 1 of the answers.The“danger mode”we’ve all experienced lately is exactly the “Don’t look up!😱" that climate scientists,activists or simply climate-conscious popl experience daily
The climate crisis is a "progressive war".It’s killing us at this moment & it’ll keep killing us.If we don’t tackle it NOW,it’ll mean societal collapse&+wars along the way.We need millions of warriors.If u think u’re not“activist material”,think again.Are u“extinction material”?
PLEASE, join the rebellion NOW to stop all wars! #UprootTheSystem! The clock is ticking! We have less than 8 years/94 months/Or just short of 3,000 days to save all earthlings, present and future!
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#AllForAmazon Week 19

An Amazonian area the size of 3,000 football fields is being cleared daily,but apparently,is not enough:

“The Brazilian government has approved a railway that will tear apart 933km of Amazon forest & decimate countless lives & swathes of Indigenous lands.
The "#Ferrogrão" project is being rushed through by Bolsonaro’s government,with heavy backing from agribusiness greedy giants like Bunge, ADM & Cargill.

The situation is extremely serious. Experts confirmed that if this railway gets built, the damage will be irreversible.
Any moment now,the erasure of ancient🌳& villages could begin,but we can still stop this horror.Indigenous leaders are urgently asking 4 OUR support–if ppl across the 🌎 show we're watching,we can ramp up the pressure on decision-makers in Brazil & abroad to halt this atrocity”.
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Do you know the super ecocide&unconstitutional Brazil’s #PL490?This bill would open up protected indigenous lands to commercial agriculture & mining,& is backed by super far-far-far-right President Jair Bolsonaro who advocates developing the Amazon region by…,well,killing us all
This bill PL 490 is harmful not just to Amazonia, but to humanity. It was rejected by the human rights commission in 2009. “This is an unacceptable setback for indigenous rights and a constitutional absurdity," said Brazil's only indigenous lawmaker Joenia Wapichana.
The campaign to stop passage of the bill comes at a time of increased attacks on indigenous communities by wildcat gold miners who have illegally invaded indigenous lands. It’s a war against life & the future and humanity.
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