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#AustraliansWakeUp Look 👀 at these figures. The C19 Plandemic is paving the way for the #NWOEvilAgenda for Mandatory Vaccinations. U need to Unite, Pray, Arise n #RESISTTOGETHER NOW before they advance any further.

Organize #NoToMandatoryVaxProtestsWW. ImageImageImage
BLACKMAIL is the #NWOEvilElites’ way to cntrol people.

EXPOSE THEM. Who are the #CompromisedIndividuals in ur country??!!


WATCH VIDEOS👇🏻to see Ex-Banker reveal the #NWOEvilElites’ strategy……
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@Martha86791287 @slackernneed @theblaze Look at THIS 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻too. It’s all very clear now. The Evil Elites’ NWO Agenda. Also beware of snopes and fact check. Best to ignore them bcos they are also “owned” by the Evil Elites. #WWG1WGAWORLWIDE #TRUMP2020 @realDonaldTrump @kayleighmcenany @SecPompeo @FLOTUS ☝🏻☝🏻👇🏻👇🏻💥
@Martha86791287 @slackernneed @theblaze @realDonaldTrump @kayleighmcenany @SecPompeo @FLOTUS 1) I just saw this 👇🏻. Apart frm these seeds possibly biowarfare, those seeds could potentially grow all over the USA. They may be GMO seeds, patented by somebody. When the crop, this seed produces has blown all over the US farms, someone will claim patent
@Martha86791287 @slackernneed @theblaze @realDonaldTrump @kayleighmcenany @SecPompeo @FLOTUS 2) rights something like what Monsanto has been doing to small farm owners. The GMO seed blew into the small farms n grew there, intermingled with the farmer’s non-GMO seeds. Then the patent owner lays claims to part of the harvest bcos the crop consists of the patented seeds. It
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@twhfsu @kva2cad @but_abta @TeamTrump @realDonaldTrump I’m in the process of looking and found👇🏻 too. If you ve the time, listen. Find out that Bill Gates prepared for contact tracing last year, Aug 2019. This research was done by top financial researchers who r very serious & not just to lie to create “Manipulated Reality” like MSM
@twhfsu @kva2cad @but_abta @TeamTrump @realDonaldTrump 1) Ok, found this 👇🏻. WHO gave directives that the C19 deceased are NOT to go for autopsy. Also majority info frm WHO in the beginning as to the sequencing of the C19 virus i.e. SARS-CoV-2 (SARS 2.0) came frm CCP.…
@twhfsu @kva2cad @but_abta @TeamTrump @realDonaldTrump 2) China researchers and doctors who found more info and wanted to research the info were shut down immediately. If you want links for all these, pls ask. It was good that Australia was one of the first to do their own sequencing based on their local cases. Many reports frm diff
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@MagaBillClay @dlomane @realDonaldTrump 1) I ve been following the C19 Agenda frm the beginning. I appreciate what u want to do to help others since u had “it”. But I just want to draw u to the fact that the C19 Agenda is an engineered ploy used by the NWO Elites to roll in their plans. Don’t get me wrong, I m not
@MagaBillClay @dlomane @realDonaldTrump 2) disputing the fact that there is a coronavirus. In fact there r many versions of bioengineered coronavirus which can be just be SARS type or combined with HIV and/or MERS. These r released all over the world. I suspect the deadlier versions require ingestion thru tainted food,
@MagaBillClay @dlomane @realDonaldTrump 3) tainted tests, tainted drugs etc. Why different versions? To throw the entire scientific n medical community into chaos, confusion and fighting each other. Notice how the C19 behavior is reported so differently in different countries? It seems like the blind men describing
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@qland007 i) After all my research n postings, I can mention at least 3 conclusions on why they are bad-mouthing HCQ (1)Bcos POTUS TRUMP directed them to look into it for treatment since Mar 20, when at that time deaths frm C19 were still very low. ALL parties who didn’t act on Trump’s
@qland007 ii) orders are directly or indirectly complicit for negligence culminating to manslaughter or worse. That’s why they are fighting HCQ bcos HCQ cannot be seen as the miracle drug that it is, for Early Treatment n Prophylactic Use in the fight against C19. (2)The pharma industry is
@qland007 iii) highly controlled by just a few very powerful players (I m especially familiar with this as I used to be in senior mgmt for pharma manufacturing). Admittedly, huge sums are spent as investment into research on new drugs, that they hope will translate into huge profits later
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@realDonaldTrump “This is a WAR between the CULT (Elites/Cabal) and the entirety of HUMANITY.”

“To WIN that war, it has to DIVIDE and RULE the target population”


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@realDonaldTrump Patriots, pls pray for POTUS TRUMP as what he is facing n doing is not easy but with us n God on his side, it will be a breeze. I just watched

n I saw with disbelief, Patriots beaten up viciously just bcos they are Patriots. Time to double up on prayers🙏.
Read 25 tweets
Patriots, this is VERY disturbing. Be alert n be vigilant. #WWG1WGA_WORLDWIDE #TRUMP2020
TIME TO ACT. Can’t let it continue and escalate‼️ THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL. Patriots, start reaching out n grouping so that u can watch out for one another n ur community. If some areas are difficult to maintain peace, then u may need an exit plan ready. Pray. #WWG1WGA_WORLDWIDE
I assume this is genuine. I am seeing several of these kinds of tweets where the PD is surrounded n protestors are damaging facade etc. Very stressful time for the police force, especially as they are being intimidated by the LSM n have a “phobia” of exercising “too” much force.
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⚠️Good doctors who don’t want their patients to die n Patriots. Are you dismayed or confused with this report? Follow this thread to regain your faith n confidence in HCQ (+ zinc)‼️ #WWG1WGA_WORLDWIDE…
1. This study was based on ⚠️retrospective‼️data, meaning the study analyzes data frm medical records that included patients hospitalised between Dec 20, 2019, and April 14, 2020, with a positive laboratory finding for SARS-CoV-2.…
2. Translation, this study wasn’t a controlled blind test, which it should be in order to be credible as a randomized clinical trial. Thus, a huge problem here is the “baseline characteristics among the groups analyzed were dissimilar”, resulting in bias. It just analyzes the end
Read 17 tweets

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