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Jun 25th 2021
#XRPCommunity #SEC_News v. #Ripple #XRP 1/5 What a convoluted and contradictory motion to quash. First, Hinman gives a pass to ETH in what is arguably the most impactful speech on digital currencies at the time as well as in Hinam’s career at the SEC.
2/5 Second, the SEC says Hinman held a position of “critical importance” to the SEC’s operations. Third, the SEC then says “Director Hinman Has No Unique, First-Hand Knowledge of Market Participants’ Understanding as to the Regulatory Status of XRP Offers and Sales.”
3/5 Fourth, the SEC shows its weakness, saying “the Court should quash the Subpoena without prejudice until after Judge Torres’s ruling on the SEC’s motion to strike Ripple’s fair notice defense. Finally, Hinman finishes it (and his credibility) off with the declaration that
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May 17th 2021
1/4 #XRPCommunity #SEC_NEWS v. #Ripple #XRP The #SEC_NEWS has filed another objection to the Motion to Intervene. The SEC's mission statement is among other things to "protect investors." The SEC has argued from the beginning of this enforcement action that XRP is a security,
2/4 thereby arguing that XRP holders are actually XRP "investors." In its latest filing, it attacks XRP holders. It says "[b]ecause Movants are not seeking to appear as objective “friends of the court,” but rather to advance their own interests—to pursue claims against the SEC
3/4 —Defendants’ request that Movants appear as amici should be denied." Its clear that the SEC is antagonistic toward XRP holders and has no intention of protecting them or advancing XRP holders' interests. Which leads to only one conclusion:
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