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Mar 22nd 2020
Reflections on #JantaCurfew and why it was a missed opportunity. It COULD have been an opportunity for people to understand and practice the principle of #Social_Distancing. Instead you had crowds celebrating the defeat of Corona at the hands of Modi ji. Why this fiasco?
Modi didn't use facts, logic, persuasion, empathy combined with a relief package to make it possible for all to actually practice #Social_Distancing. Instead he and the BJP relied on their usual staple - blind faith in the Great Leader, in a ritual, WA fake news.
The result was predictable. People thought Modi ji wanted a grand show of support which would miraculously chase away Corona - and they gave it to him. Not their fault. This fault rests with the leaders who discourage people from understanding principles & thinking for themselves
Read 9 tweets
Nov 25th 2018
PM @narendramodi commences the 50th edition of #MannKiBaat reminding listeners that this Golden Jubilee episode is indeed gilt-edged in every sense of the term.
PM @narendramodi revealed why he chose radio as a medium for #MannKiBaat reminiscing how during his travels in Himachal Pradesh in 1998 a lone tea-seller in a remote snow-clad hilly outpost informed him of India’s Nuclear tests after listening to the news on radio.(1/3)
“He must be listening to the radio all day; this was a medium that was truly connected with the masses…and it was a powerful means of getting across,” the PM thought.(2/3) #MannKiBaat
Read 15 tweets

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