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Mar 13th 2022
Doesn't it boggle the senses that the 'Establishment' i.e., GHQ/ISI Generals and their handmaidens in the Civ Bureaucracy such as AzamKhan should destabilise through their #StormTroopers the foul #TLP, an elected gentleman's government that gave our country a 5.8% growth rate 2/
2/ and rig into office a prime fool, the foul and vile Idiot @ImranKhanPTI who brings the growth rate plumetting to 0.2%, and who is viciously biting them on their you-know-whats? Really the plain #Stupidity is stunning! Cc @OfficialDGISPR Pls PU and fwd to your propangandists!
3/ And please, for the sake of the country tell Gen. Bajwa to immediately say the Army has nothing to do with politics forever again. Your فوج کو سیاست میں نہ گھسیٹا جائے is neither here nor there, for LumberOnePhauj has ALWAYS dirtied Pakistani politics. If after East Pakistan4/
Read 5 tweets
Oct 17th 2021
@Razarumi Just saw you interviewing Ejaz Haider Re: the present 'Selected' @ImranKhanPTI/Bajwa/Faiz #SHITSHOW. So, when it came to a huge crowd in Faisalabad, the Heart of Punjab, demanding the resignation of Faiz, the last of 'Selected's' #DGISI nannies, the byword is 'Course 2/
2/ Correction'! By ALL, eh? NOT course correction by the behemoth in the country, the Pakistan Army and its Generals who have from the very inception of the country given it grief? Why must one repeat oneself incessantly? Because every week more and ever more brainless, unread 3/
3/ foul-mouthed #Youthiyas and #ISPRtrollsAndFellows are manufactured and let loose on SM, the #Youthiyas sired by the disgraceful @ArifAlvi and the #ISPR wallahs by: you guessed it, a noble tradition started by PapaJani @AsimBajwaISPR and carried on admirably by #Ghafoora. 4/
Read 17 tweets
Aug 26th 2021
Whenever the #GhairatBrigades celebrate the 'defeat' of the World Powers in Afghanistan they must recall the horrific and cruel murders of 149 of our soldier's children AND a serving Brigadier's wife in the APS Peshawar massacre DESPITE warnings. AND that #EHSANULLAHEHSAN is free
2/ The Ghairat Brigades consist of #Thumbelina aka #Guttersnipe @MoeedNj ; #Sheroo @ImtiazGul60 ; #ZeherBokhari; etcetera, among others, including @AajKamranKhan and my Boss @SSEHBAI1 ... and @GFarooqi Wow! What a lineup!!
C.c. @OfficialDGISPR and the Three Khurpas: @GenAmjadShuaib @_GhulamMustafa_ His Excellency @Abdul_Basit (who I KNOW reads his 'Izzat Afsaee'!!)!!
Read 4 tweets
Feb 7th 2021
We KNOW who they are, exactly. #Mushy aka @P_Musharraf leading followed by the svelte and handsome @ShazadAkbar. The point is that the Commission which will cost the country 20 Lakhs a day will 'find' nonsense and lies, and smoke and mirrors which will be taken as the Gospel 2/
2/ by propagandists of the #DeepState, such as 'Lifafa Generals' @GenAmjadShuaib and @_GhulamMustafa_ ; #Sheroo @ImtiazGul60; #Guttersnipe @MoeedNj; other #Youthiyas; and #ISPR Trolls and Bots who will hoot what a good boy is #SelectednikkaNiazi aka @ImranKhanPTI and how 3/
3/ excellent his #Selectors. My young friend, the country is, in the words of my friend, @MalikRiaz_ saccrooed, unless our political parties stop striking attitudes and join Nawaz Sharif and his brave daughter in facing down the #Monster that we face. Mayhap THEY will 4/
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Jan 27th 2021
OKAY! Sir @OfficialDGISPR, and your propagandist, the #IdioticKhurpa @GenAmjadShuaib hear this. I am going to write an Open Letter to Sir #GeneralQamarBajwa in the next few days, which is what it should take, considering the 'Gund' (Dirt) his support has allowed the 2/
2/ #GoofOnHoof (a term known to Army officers such as I who served in places like Khairi Post (across the Chenab; AND the Chenab Tavi, 1966) where the meat was always rotten by the time it got to us!So we got MeatonHoof meaning a live animal. Therefore likening #Selected to it!3/
3/ So, chaps, watch out. It's COMING and the Devil take the HINDMOST!!!!!!!~~!~!~!~!~! Hehehe! Cruel Snigger!!!!!!
Read 5 tweets

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