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Dear @ijazkhan @iamthedrifter @Razarumi What a great show on FM @BBhuttoZardari 's visit to Goa. WHY did my friend Ayesha, indeed any of you, not say that Pak-India relations were on a 'healing path' when the gentleman Indian PM VajpayeeJi and his gentleman FM Jaswant Singh 2/
2/ visited Lahore by bus and the vile #Mushy scuttled the coming together of the two countries? That they were also from the BJP, and had the authority of the Hard Right Janata Party? And that the adolescent #Mushy mounted the Kargil misadventure JUST then?! AND that the 3/
3/ Second time @NawazSharifMNS tried to mend fences with India when the HARD RIGHT BJP PM Narendra Modi visited Lahore at NS's invite NS was termed a traitor and thrown out of office by a Conspiracy hatched between #Bajwa/#Faiz/#SaqibNisar which today sees our country in the 4/
Read 14 tweets
Dear Friends, Having got quite upset at the self-serving tweet of His Excellency @YusufMoeed saying he was 'used' when he himself was the flag-bearer of our country's arrogant foreign policy, I must say to His Excellency that a bit of humility does us well. That what he and 2/
2/ his stupid employers did was to, through him, expose a poor and 'dependent upon largesse' country to the World's mirth by making him pretend to be a Great Player in the Great Game. A stance which has/will come to haunt us in the not too distant future. So, tranquila chaps, 3/
3/ just let us keep our own noses, and country clean. Otherwise we are in for a good old spanking...Mark my words...! Nukes or no nukes...! Mark my words I say again. Actually, Master Moeed could do well taking a few more PT Lessons from my old pal, the fighter #EjazHaider...4/
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Yes it is: for continuously disrespecting the Constitution; assassinating Prime Ministers; sacking and imprisoning Judges; beating up policemen who dare challan even junior officers; helping Generals run away from court during hearings such as Major General Raja Farrukh Javed 2/
2/ Here regale yourself:…
3/ And by generally talking down to 'Bloody Civilians' while strutting about shamelessly. Indeed was Pervez (Mushy) Musharraf's escape under Military Police escort to the Army-run NIH to avoid a hearing in a court trying him for treason any less shameful. As they say in Punjabi4/
Read 13 tweets
@MarianaBaabar No need to copy POTUS Mariana. But I have known the pig Talat Masood since 1972 when he was a student at the Staff College and I was an instructor at the Infantry School and we were family friends. Then he was posted to POF Wah as a Brig and we were in and out 2/
2/ of each others homes. He knew my mother and sister and all. Then he became Chairman (?) or Senior Member of the Cowardly Commando @P_Musharraf 's Ad-hoc Public Accounts Committee and sent a cooked up, fake case against me of fiddling government funds to NAB without even 3/
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We KNOW who they are, exactly. #Mushy aka @P_Musharraf leading followed by the svelte and handsome @ShazadAkbar. The point is that the Commission which will cost the country 20 Lakhs a day will 'find' nonsense and lies, and smoke and mirrors which will be taken as the Gospel 2/
2/ by propagandists of the #DeepState, such as 'Lifafa Generals' @GenAmjadShuaib and @_GhulamMustafa_ ; #Sheroo @ImtiazGul60; #Guttersnipe @MoeedNj; other #Youthiyas; and #ISPR Trolls and Bots who will hoot what a good boy is #SelectednikkaNiazi aka @ImranKhanPTI and how 3/
3/ excellent his #Selectors. My young friend, the country is, in the words of my friend, @MalikRiaz_ saccrooed, unless our political parties stop striking attitudes and join Nawaz Sharif and his brave daughter in facing down the #Monster that we face. Mayhap THEY will 4/
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And how about the GrandDaddy of Kruppshunn, Ayub Khan, Chief? I've told this story before: After Ayub had leaned on GM to take the agency of Bedford trucks and Holden-Australia cars away from Western Motors and give it to Lt. Gen. Habibullah Khan and his son-in-law Gauhar Ayub 2/
2/ and they began to make money handover fist black-marketing the vehicles, QU Shahab says to Ayub during a Cabinet Meeting in flattering tones: 'Sir, Captain Sahib (Gauhar) is doing well in business'. 'Haw, haw, hawww' bellows Ayub, 'Didn't know the boy had it in him! Didn't 3/
3/ know the boy had it in him'!! Note: There was ZERO corruption in Pakistan before the advent of the Great Field Marshal! You listening Gernail Bahadur @GenAmjadShuaib A little shame will do you good. P.S. And what about the Cowardly Commando, @P_Musharraf aka #Mushy?!
Read 3 tweets
Dear Gen. Shoaib, Do you live on Planet Earth, in the Land of the Pure, or do you live on Mars? I should take him to court in a blighted country where neither the Superior Judiciary, nor NAB takes any notice of the huge corruption scandal swirling around Lt. Gen. @AsimSBajwa, 2/
2/ (which made him resign as SAPM?!)? In a blighted country whose first elected PM is assassinated and the assassin is shot dead by a police official who 'happened' to be standing next to him? A country in which another elected PM is judicially murdered by another Army 3/
3/ dictator through a purposely skewed Supreme Court with 4 Punjabis and 3 Non-Punjabis on it, the 3 Non acquitting and the 4 Punjabis hanging him? Where elected PMs are dismissed by autocrats working hand-in-glove with Army Chiefs? Where another PM was jailed and then exiled? 4/
Read 11 tweets
He is an old ISI hand; and @P_Musharraf buddy who hid Omar Shiekh after Daniel Pearl's beheading in his GOR1 Official Residence when he was Home Sec. Punjab. Did not even inform #Mushy who was in NYC for UNGA! Could be him who ordered ISI Sector Comd. Karachi directly 2/
2/ He is also the one who had Begum Kulsoom Nawaz's car lifted by a crane when she was protesting NS's imprisonment and had her suspended in the car in the September heat of Lahore for 2 hours. He is also the one who said in a Public Meeting about the 3/
3/ Opposition: 'Oye! Bahar hoan gae tae larran gae naan'. Tr: The opposition will be an Opposition only if they are out of jail! So while there are many horrid people out there, in THIS case there is no way a Brigadier Sector Commander would dare kidnap an IG of Police on his 4/
Read 5 tweets
Let us revisit @SMQureshiPTI 's too-clever-by-half and utterly stupid use of the title of Ayub Khan's ghost-written book by that arch cynic Altaf Gauhar. It was said at the time that Gauhar chose the title as a stab in the Dictator's back: not Friends, not Masters but 2/
2/ 'Friends not, Masters'! Relations were most fraught with Afghanistan when that damned book was written and Army and Airforce exercises termed Afghanistan with degrading terms like 'RedLand' of 'Foxland' (Pakistan always being BlueLand) and Sardar Daood as the 'Madman'. 3/
3/ Seriously, how much more damage will this #RIGGED so-called 'government' of dunderheads do to our poor country? P.S. It was said at the time that the book was Altaf Gauhar's parting kick to Ayub, just as his son, Humayun Gauhar's joke of a book 'In the Line of Fire' was a 4/
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Okay, Tweeple, ENOUGH! You will have noticed that since about two weeks, I have been calling a Spade a Spade: I.e., The ISI, 'ISI', and GHQ, 'GHQ'. I mean WHO doesn't know that the most powerful; the most sinister; the most scary; the most nameless and faceless and veiled 2/
2/ 'Agency'/'Idara'/'KhalaiMakhlooq'/'NamaloomAfraad'/ 'AabparaWalay'/'KaliVigoWalay' Etc., Etc., is none other than The Inter Services Intelligence, a national Intelligence Service (that WE pay for) and that in this country is not only responsible for counter-intelligence 3/
3/ but also meddles in political matters unlike counter-intelligence agencies of other countries such as MI-5 and the CIA, even RAW and MOSSAD. Now, before any of the Ghairat Brigades get onto their sickly nags and say it was ZAB that gave the ISI Internal/Political duties, 4/
Read 8 tweets
If the self-serving #CowardlyCommando, aka #Mushy had not upset the applecart by imposing Martial Law and throwing NS in prison perhaps we would have had peace with India (despite him showing disrespect to Vajpayee Ji when he visited, and stabbing NS in the back with the 2/
2/Kargil lunacy)! It is instructive to see that when the Indian PM came to Lahore in a bid to talk peace with NS, #Mushy went into a sulk and the #DeepState hinted that NS was being traitorous. Yet when #Mushy travelled to Delhi, that was kosher. Honestly, the hypocrisy and 3/
3/ the two-facedness and the mendaciousness of our corrupt and self-seeking #DeepState is something to behold!
Read 3 tweets
@MarianaBaabar Except for allowing my friend, the brave #SalmanTaseer to mount his stupid assault on @CMShehbaz 's Constitutional government, Asif Zardari was a good President who, despite my other friend, @SSEHBAI1 ('Boss' to me)'s weekly announcements that the President 2/
2/ would be gone next Thursday on a stretcher; no, next Monday in an ambulance; no within two weeks to Dubai, lasted out his term. He also shepherded alongside Nawaz Sharif the 18th Constitutional Amendment, giving up his own powers to the Constitution by taking away the 3/
3/ dictatorial power of the President to dissolve the houses of Parliament. The two also got rid of #Mushy. What fun one had to poke our Ghairat Brigades in the eye at the time. I was invited to attend the farewell luncheon that the newly elected PM Nawaz Sharif held in honour 4/
Read 4 tweets
Excellent Report, Athar my friend and all the REPITITIONS. May I now draw your attention to the exploits of General #Mushy who is a $Billionaire according to himself? And @AsimSBajwa/#Bajco where a $70,000 investment netted $100 Million within 8 years? And who owns a 3-Crore 2/
2/ Land Cruiser priced by himself at 35 Lakhs and 65 Acres of agricultural land @ Rs. 108,000 according to himself. And General Ashfaq Kayani who reportedly sits on his island off Australia. And his reportedly $Billionaire brothers? I have not even gone to the Father of 3/
3/ Corruption in Pakistan, Ayub Khan. Or to General Akhtar Abdul Rehman who, as a Major posted in PMA, Kakul (near where the terrorist Osama bin Laden was found and killed by U.S. Navy Seals years later) had a car with a dead battery which Gentlemen Cadets would push up and 4/
Read 6 tweets
NOT surprised. So, you see NO corruption among Army Generals? You see only cold efficiency? Recall East Pakistan and the corrupt buffoon 'Tiger' Niazi who wanted his troops to rape locals? Recall Kargil and the corrupt buffoon #Mushy? Have you forgotten 'Dhanak' completely? #SAD!
2/ You talk about the state of Karachi: You DO know, don't you, that the Pakistan Army ruled Pakistan for half its life? Could you apportion half the blame to it? You DO know that for the rest of the time, the Army tripped up Bloody Civilian leaders, don't you? You SHOULD know 3/
3/ that before (the Granddaddy of All Dictator's) Ayub Khan's coup there was ZERO corruption in politics and that Ayub laid its Foundation Stone?!
Read 3 tweets
Thank you, JR.
Everyone must watch this cheap stunt by the #GhairatBrigades. We are now told to believe that pol leaders/liberals created the Taliban and the Khawarijis, the killers of so many Pakistanis when they were invented by the #DeepState as its 2/
2/ proxies who then went rogue and like the Frankenstein Monsters they were, turned on their Masters and bit them on their behinds, killing our soldiery, including Generals and their kids. Don't we remember Swat, which was handed over by #Mushy to Maulvi Sufi Mohammad and his 3/
3/ blood-thirsty son-in-law, Mullah Fazlullah aka Mullah Radio who used to, of an evening announce on his FM radio station (which our much vaunted #ISI and #MI could not find!) the names of the unfortunates who were to be beheaded that evening at Khooni Chowk, Mingora. I mean 4/
Read 14 tweets
In what way would a compromised NAB (Sar sae paoon tak😍😘) 'investigation' help, my dear and good friend, @abbasz55? The only way is for the man, @AsimSBajwa, to resign and just go away, and use his time delivering PapaJohn's pizzas! Enough of this nonsense! On another note 2/
2/ watching BBC a little while ago, I was reminded of the filthy, dirty, #RichardReid, a man of no fixed abode; a drifter; a petty thief and shop-lifter, who was given visas to visit the Land of the Pure; the Highest Citadel of Islam, at least 5 times during #Mushy's time. This3/
3/ piece of #SHIT later came to be known as the '#ShoeBomber' who attempted to bring down an airliner and its innocent passengers over the Atlantic! The Pig was arrested and is now rotting in some U.S. Prison - I hope in the General Populace Section (where I hope he will be 4/
Read 6 tweets

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