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1/📣#GITwitter last but not least
#ShortBowelSyndrome #MNIBDTweetorial🧵w @valcohranmd @DCharabaty

🤝Role of MDT 4 strongest 💪team
🏥Intestinal rehab. program breakdown

🏆#CME ℹ️
Support by an edu grant from @TakedaPharma

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2/#MondayNightIBD #ShortBowelSyndrome #MedTwitter #GITwitter #MedPeds #BonumCE

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#IBDPoll 1️⃣

➡️50-yo pt w 1y hx of SBS after multiple short bowel resections for stricturing Crohn’s
Labs show dehydration & nutrient deficiencies
U discuss initiating #ParenteralNutrition

➡️You focus on educating pt on which of the possible complications...
Read 21 tweets
🔥Crohn’s Perianal Fistula - #MondayNightIBD w all🌟faculty 🔥 CME 👉 🔸Supported by an edu grant from @TakedaPharma 🔸…
2/#MondayNightIBD #Crohns #PerianalFistula #MedTwitter #GITwitter

✅Answer #IBDPolls👇
🗓 Mark your calendar - Live Q&A @ 8p ET/5p PT
📲Tweet your❓to be addressed Monday!

📸 Faculty disclosures & important CME info👇 Image
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📣#GITwitter #PedsGI

⚕️Join experts @valcohranmd @Subramanian1MD ⚕️& @DCharabaty addressing the long & the short of:

🎯Optimizing care of #ShortBowelSyndrome

🏆🆓 #CME 🔗
Supported by an edu grant @TakedaPharma
2/#MondayNightIBD #GITwitter #PedsGI #MedEd #MedTwitter #MNIBDWebinar #BonumCE

Earn 🆓 #CME 🎫
ℹ️ 🔗

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3/#MondayNightIBD #GITwitter #PedsGI #MedEd #MedTwitter #MNIBDWebinar #BonumCE

🟠Full CME ℹ️ 🔗
🟠Make sure you answer the pre-polls! 👉

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💥#EndometrialCancer TKI/IO safety data & AE mgmt webinar 💥┈┈┈ w @DrMMurphy & @drteplinsky ┈┈┈🔹#CME info 👉 👈 @BonumCE ┈┈┈🔸Supported by edu grants from Eisai & @Merck 🔹#TumorBoardTuesday #gyncsm #OncTwitter…
1/#TumorBoardTuesday #OncTwitter

#2:Tell us who u are👇
#3:🔁Retweet & tag colleagues

🧧#CME ℹ️
Supported by edu grants from Eisai & @Merck

🟢Where r u in your career?
2/#TumorBoardTuesday #BonumCE #OncTwitter #GynCSM #gynonc #EndometrialCancer

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🟠#CME ℹ️🔗

📸 Faculty disclosures & important CME info 👇
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💥#EndometrialCancer TKI/IO safety data & AE mgmt webinar 💥┈┈┈ w @DrMMurphy & @drteplinsky ┈┈┈🔹#CME info 👉 👈 @BonumCE ┈┈┈🔸Supported by edu grants from Eisai & @Merck 🔹#TumorBoardTuesday #gyncsm #OncTwitter…
1/#TumorBoardTuesday #OncTwitter

#1:Answer #PreTest❓🔗
#2:Tell us who u are👇
#3:🔁Retweet & tag colleagues

🧧#CME ℹ️
Supported by edu grants from Eisai & @Merck

🟢Where r u in your career?
3/#TumorBoardTuesday #BonumCE #OncTwitter #GynCSM #gynonc #EndometrialCancer

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🟠#CME ℹ️🔗

📸 Faculty disclosures & important CME info 👇
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1/#TumorBoardTuesday #OncTwitter

🗓️TODAY🗓 w @DrTeplinsky & @TumorBoardTues
🎥#EndometrialCancer - Mnging TKI/IO AEs

Support by edu grants from Eisai & @Merck

🚨Be ready @ 8p ET/5p PT
✅Answer #PreTest👇
🔁RT & tag 🩺

🟢Where r u in your career?
2/#TumorBoardTuesday #OncTwitter #GynCSM #gynonc

🟢#PreTest Q 1️⃣
📊Diarrhea, nausea, & vomiting are common GI toxicities associated w pembro + lenvatinib combo therapy.
🟢Which other tox may occur if these GI toxicities are not effectively managed?
3/#TumorBoardTuesday #GynCSM #EndometrialCancer
#CME 🔗

🟢#PreTest Q 2️⃣
📊During tx w pembro + lenvatinib, pt develops grade 3 diarrhea
🛑Lenva held
💊Loperamide Rx
Grade 3 diarrhea persists

🟢Which is the appropriate next step for this pt?
Read 5 tweets
1/#TumorBoardTuesday #OncTwitter

🗓️TODAY🗓 w @DrMMurphy & @DrTeplinsky
🎥#EndometrialCancer - Mnging TKI/IO AEs

Support by edu grants from Eisai & @Merck

🚨Be ready @ 8p ET/5p PT
✅Answer #PreTest👇
🔁RT & tag 🩺

🟢Where r u in your career?
2/#TumorBoardTuesday #OncTwitter #GynCSM #gynonc

🟢#PreTest Q 1️⃣
📊Diarrhea, nausea, & vomiting are common GI toxicities associated w pembro + lenvatinib combo therapy

🟢Which other tox may occur if these GI toxicities are not effectively managed?
3/#TumorBoardTuesday #GynCSM #EndometrialCancer

🟢#PreTest Q 2️⃣
📊During tx w pembro + lenvatinib, pt develops grade 3 diarrhea
🛑Lenva held
💊Loperamide Rx
Grade3️⃣diarrhea persists

🟢What is the next step for this pt?
Read 5 tweets
1/#OncTwitter #TumorBoardTuesday #MedTweetorial 🧵

#EndometrialCancer AE deep dive🤿
🧪Trial results
🔬Tox for TKI-ICI
w @DrMMurphy @MeganLeigh127 & us!

🆓#CME @BonumCe🔗
Supported by edu grants from Eisai & @Merck

🟢What's your specialty?
2/#TumorBoardTuesday #BonumCE #OncTwitter #gyncsm #gynonc #EndometrialCancer #MedTweetorial

🆓 CME > full info➕ref list🗒️& program archive

🔑#CME info👇 Image
3/#TumorBoardTuesday #BonumCE #OncTwitter #GynOnc #gyncsm #EndometrialCancer

🟢Which I/O +🎯tx combo is FDA approved for treatment of advanced or metastatic #EndometrialCarcinoma?

nivo = nivolumab
dostarlimab = dostarlimab-gxly
pembro = pembrolizumab
Read 27 tweets
1/🛎️#TumorBoardTuesday #OncTwitter #NephTwitter
#RenalCell wk continues🔁

🗓️Thu 12.15 @ 8p ET

⚙️Mnging AEs w TKI/IO combos

#CME ℹ️🔗
Supported by edu grants from Eisai & @Merck
🚨Be ready 4 tmrw!
✅Answer #PreTest polls👇
🔁Retweet & tag colleagues🩺
2/ 🏆Claim 🆓#CME 🔛

Answer Pre Polls Qs 👇today
🟢Where r u in your career?
3/ #TumorBoardTuesday #RenalCell #NephTwitter #MedTwitter #BonumCE


🟢#PreTest Q 1️⃣
📊 Which of the following is a common high-grade toxicity associated with the use of TKIs in the management of metastatic RCC?
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1/ #OncTwitter #NephTwitter #TumorBoardTuesday
#RenalCell #MedTweetorial🧵
w @brian_rini @shilpaonc @katy_beckermann

🦺TKI/IO safety data
🥽Tox to look 4
⛑AE mgmt

🆓#CME @BonumCe🔗
Support by edu grants from Eisai & @Merck

🟢What's your specialty?
2/ #TumorBoardTuesday #BonumCE #RenalCell #OncTwitter #NephTwitter
🆓#CME info ➕ full ref list🗒️ 👉

✳️The critical elements👇 Image
3/ #TumorBoardTuesday #BonumCE #RenalCell
#OncTwitter #NephTwitter #MedTwitter

🟢 Which of the following TKI/IO combo regimens is 🚫NOT approved by the FDA for the frontline mgmt of #RenalCell carcinoma?
Read 27 tweets
1/ #OncTwitter #NephTwitter
#RenalCell #TumorBoardTuesday #MedTweetorial 🧵
w @brian_rini @shilpaonc @katy_beckermann

🦺TKI/IO safety data
🥽Tox to look 4
⛑AE mgmt

🆓#CME @BonumCe🔗
Support by edu grants from Eisai & @Merck

🟢What's your specialty?
2/ #TumorBoardTuesday #BonumCE #RenalCell #OncTwitter #NephTwitter
🆓#CME info ➕ full ref list🗒️ 👉

✳️The critical elements👇 Image
3/ #TumorBoardTuesday #BonumCE #RenalCell
#OncTwitter #NephTwitter #MedTwitter

🟢 Which of the following TKI/IO combo regimens is 🚫NOT approved by the FDA for the frontline mgmt of #RenalCell carcinoma?
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@MondayNightIBD @DCharabaty @TakedaPharma 2/ #MedTwitter #GITwitter #MedPeds @BonumCE

🟠Earn #CME 🏆on Twitter!
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📸 Faculty disclosures & important CME info 👇
@MondayNightIBD @DCharabaty @TakedaPharma @BonumCe @jantchou @NavreetChowlaMD @BattatMD4IBD @dr_rdvenkatesh @StacyKahn_MD @ashishpatelpch @ConradCole10 @Leicnut 3/ #Parenteralnutrition is used in cases w GI dysfunction
➡️replace nutrients ➡️essential components pt would otherwise be unable to absorb from their 🥪🍜🍱

In pts w #ShortBowelSyndrome, PN is given @ home🏠 usually @ nt🌛
@MondayNightIBD @DCharabaty @TakedaPharma @BonumCe @jantchou @NavreetChowlaMD @BattatMD4IBD @dr_rdvenkatesh @StacyKahn_MD @ashishpatelpch @ConradCole10 @Leicnut 4/@AmerGastroAssn Clin Practice Update on #ShortBowelSyndrome #ParenteralNutrition

🌟Best practices
💎 Pref of tunneled CVCs
💎Micronutrient deficiencies monitoring
💎PN volume/contents based on pt weight, labs, stool/ostomy & urine output, signs of dehydration
Read 21 tweets
⌛️#GITwitter #PedsGI - the wait is over!
🎆 Join @valcohranmd & @DCharabaty
📽️#MNIBDWebinar🎞#ShortBowelSyndrome Consult w the Expert

#CME👉 🔗…
👇#PostConvo #IBDPolls

Supported by an educational grant from @TakedaPharma…
2/#PedsGI #GITwitter #GIFellow #IBDTwitter #MedEd #MedTwitter

🟠Earn #CME 🏆
🟠Full CME ℹ️ 🔗…

#MNIBDWebinar #BonumCE
📸 Faculty disclosures & important CME info 👇 Image
3/#MNIBDWebinar #MedTwitter #GITwitter #GIFellow
🟠Full CME ℹ️ 🔗…

🔴 Where are you in your career?
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🚥 #leukemia #ASH21 🛎️ Last call for poster #️5️ 〰️ Graaph-2014 study ➕ adding Nelarabine to chemo for #ALL pts 🔹 #OncTwitter w/ @LoriMuffly & @LuskinMarlise 🔸#CME from @BonumCe 🔗 🔸Supported by edu grant Jazz Pharma…
2/🟠Get your 🆓 #CME
CME ℹ️👉

#MedTwitter #OncTwitter #leusm
✔️What are your credentials❓
3/ 🏆#CME credit provided by @IntegrityCE
🤝In partnership w/ @BonumCe

⏱️ Please answer! ⏱️
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🔴POST-polls after 💬
🟠or🔗 for #CME ℹ️

👇CME info 👇 Image
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@jmikhaelmd @BonumCe @JanssenUS @pfizer 2/ 🎇🆓 AMA PRA Credit 🎇
CME ℹ️ & ref list👉
🗝️ Disclosure info 👇
#BonumCE #MMSM Image
@jmikhaelmd @BonumCe @JanssenUS @pfizer 3/🛫Taking off...
🤔#biomarker definitions
🎯Dx biomarkers distinguish👥w disease &👥 w/o
🔮Prognostic biomarkers forecast likelihood of a clin event, dz progression or recurrence
🔮Predictive biomarkers identify 👥 more likely to experience favorable/unfavorable effect from 💊💉 Image
@jmikhaelmd @BonumCe @JanssenUS @pfizer 4/ 📊 #BonumCE #MMSM

SP is 63 yo/M presents w anemia & bone pain
BMBX shows 70% clonal plasma cells and FISH reveals t(11;14)
MRI shows multifocal bone lesions
sBCMA is 227 ng/mL and SLAMF7 8.3 ng/mL by ELISA

☑️ Which is diagnostic of #multiplemyeloma in SP❓
Read 25 tweets

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