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Feb 1st 2023
Birthday 2020.. A day later my body died and I was like "buried alive" for months. Today, more than 2 1/2 years later, I dared to wash my hair again for the first time. With success!!!💪🏼 Thanks to the helping therapy 🙏❤️ The feeling is surreal.. As a #MECFS
very severely affected person, washing hair very often triggers a #crash (deterioration of condition). If you're unlucky you're going to get worse, so I was a little nervous trying it. Fantastic feeling 😍 Shortcoming: i need a hairdresser now 🤣
#stepBystep #slowrecovery
2/3 Image
#MECFS patients can be helped! But we need a lot more #supplystructures and far more #research, because we have a lot of different clinical pictures. Drugs that help me may help some but not others. The same applies to #LongCovid
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