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Dec 12th 2022
This piece by @mandy_mclaren has everything. đź’Ą

Superintendent @JCPSSuper saying reading instruction will change while district literacy folks say #SoldAStory is “misinformation.” 👀

Phonics-advocate teachers shut down.

A likely phonics patch. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Here’s @JCPSSuper saying that @mandy_mclaren’s earlier reporting caused “a lot of reflection” about how reading is taught, and phonics instructional time will dramatically increase…

👉 To 20 minutes/day.

(Your daily reminder that all this fuss is about ~30 min/day in K-1!) 🤦🏼‍♀️ ImageImage
But there’s tension!

Here’s the district literacy leader dismissing @ehanford @CLPeak’s reporting, and the broader Science of Reading movement.

Think she knows about the 190,000 educators flocking to SOR FB groups for more info? 🤔

Maybe @JCPSSuper can tell her. ImageImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Nov 30th 2022
🚨A new front has opened up in the push to privatize #schools.🚨

At Fox News Jeb Bush explicitly cited #soldastory as a reason we need #AZEd #schoolvouchers. @edvoters @BadassTeachersA @Network4pubEd @PV4PS 👇

#Reading is going to be the new wedge issue to pitch #schoolvouchers /ESAs to parents understandably frustrated at #scienceofreading issues but who were turned off by the voucher culture war pitch.

Just days before writing this Fox column and citing #reading as a reason states need #azed style #schoolvouchers Bush was honoring voucher hero @DougDucey at the annual ExcelInEd meeting

Read 6 tweets

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