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Mar 11th 2023
1. Disclosure: I am on record as having said Statecraft is very hard. So critique of #Eritrea prez is within context of “statecraft is hard, but he makes it harder.” Let’s discuss today’s show (not interview) whose topics covered role of investment, including FDI, in economy.
2. Of the many levers used for economic development and which ones to prioritize, choosing is hard because everything is a priority in subsistence economies. Economics not being a hard science (and even its social science status being questionable) it’s a lot of trial and error.
3. In #Eritrea, it’s all trial and all error because this not-really-a-science field (economics) is at the mercy of another not-really-a-science field (politics) which, being authoritarian cronyism, is less capable of auto-correcting. For example:
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