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Jul 30th 2021
Today is #NationalWhistleblowerDay. Please support #nationalsecurity #whistleblowers who have made some of the most important disclosures in the history of the United States, and have suffered tremendous consequences.
By definition whistleblowers reveal information in the public interest. They expose government misconduct, such as information about unconstitutional mass surveillance, torture, the secret drone war, foreign election interference, discrimination, civil and human rights abuses.
Read 11 tweets
Dec 15th 2020
My new film UNITED STATES VS. REALITY WINNER is about #RealityWinner who disclosed one document about Russian election interference to the media and received the longest prison sentence ever imposed on a #whistleblower in federal court: 63 months. Whistleblower Reality Winne...
Reality Winner is in prison right now, where she had contracted COVID-19, and is especially vulnerable because of underlying health conditions such as a history of respiratory illnesses, eating disorders, anxiety, and depression.…
Our independent film team documented the harsh prosecution of #RealityWinner in Augusta, GA, along with journalists @kgosztola & @tkbarnes. Reality and her family faced an overwhelming adversary, the US Government that wanted to make an example out of then 25-year-old Reality.
Read 19 tweets

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