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Aug 10th 2021
#BombayHighCourt at Goa to hear the the appeal challenging acquittal of #TarunTejpal, former Editor-in-Chief of Tehelka magazine, in the sexual assault case against his former female subordinate at Tehelka.
Hearing before Bench of Justices SP Deshmukh and MS Sonak.
Hearing begins.
Read 19 tweets
Jul 29th 2021
#BombayHighCourt at Goa to hear the appeal filed by Goa government challenging Tarun Tejpal of rape and sexual charges by the Sessions Court shortly.

Hearing before Bench of Justices MS Sonak and MS Jawalkar.

SG Tushar Mehta with AG Devidas Pangam appear for Goa government.

#taruntejpalcase #BombayHighCourt
Hearing begins.

Sr Adv Amit Desai informs Adv Chawla who has been handling the matter so far had a bereavement last night, seeks accomodation.

Adds that annexures are not furnished, some correspondence has been exchanged between counsel.

Read 9 tweets
Jun 24th 2021
#BombayHighCourt at Goa to hear the appeal filed by #Goa government challenging the acquittal of former Tehelka editor #taruntejpal in the sexual assault case.

Hearing before Bench of Justices MS Sonak and MS Jawalkar.


@Tehelka Image
The Court issued notice on June 2, 2021.

SG Tushar Mehta with AG DJ Pangam appear for State of #Goa.

Read 8 tweets
Jun 2nd 2021
#BombayHighCourt at Goa to hear the appeal filed by #Goa government challenging the acquittal of former Tehelka editor #TarunTejpal in the sexual assault case.

Hearing before Justice SC Gupte.


In the previous hearing, the Court had permitted the State to add additional grounds in the appeal memo, as the May 21 judgment of the Sessions Court was only received on May 25.

#TarunTejpalCase #BombayHighCourt…
Accordingly appeal amended.

Read the grounds here:…
Read 17 tweets
May 30th 2021
You want to talk about how women discredit women? Let's discuss how feminists are treating a woman judge who gave a judgment that they are trashing like it means nothing and the opposite is true and continue to refer to the accuser as the victim and acquitted accused as rapist.
I mean, this is "feminists" with no authority or competence over a judge trashing her for not acting like they expected her to. Note that this is not about merely disagreeing or filing an appeal and so on, but actually insults leveled at her and completely ignoring any competence
"Feminists" trashing the judge in the #TarunTejpal judgment and ignoring the legal evidence and testimonies cited.

This is literally no different from Ramdev & Co trashing doctors and ignoring scientific evidence.

I don't call this women's rights.
Read 4 tweets
May 29th 2021
Been interested in the #TarunTejpal case from the start. Interesting to see that news and social media continues to treat him as the rapist and his accuser as the victim regardless of the judgment.

They also claim that HE is the influential one.

How does that compute?
The coverage of the judgment never fails to mention what the judge said about the accuser's behaviour and also never fails to exclude the context - inconsistencies and contradictions in her statements all through the case, including for trivial things like knowing the rape law.
The coverage also consistently fails to mention that among the first thing Tejpal said after the FIR was filed was to make the CCTV footage public. His defense was that nothing happened in the lift. They got off on the 1st floor, then got back into the lift and went to 2nd.
Read 22 tweets
May 27th 2021
BTW about the #TarunTejpal judgment, I don't believe @IJaising would advise the victim to alter her description of events. Brahmastra or not.

1. Never heard anything dishonest about her.
2. She's a good lawyer! She would know it would harm victim's case.
@IJaising So I suppose in all fairness, it can't be said about any lawyers who have not have lied/misled the court/investigation in any way.

OTOH, the more I read the judgment, the more astonished I am at just how much feminists can excuse in the name of "supporting the victim".
@IJaising Read over half of it so far. It does not match reports of it appearing in the media. Yes it does examine the victim's testimony in great detail - but the prosecution asked for a sentence based solely on it and it contradicts itself! Was the judge to rubber stamp anyway?
Read 3 tweets
May 27th 2021
#GoaBench of #BombayHighCourt to hear the appeal filed by #Goa Government challenging the acquittal of former Tehelka editor #TarunTejpal in the rape case

Hearing before Bench of Justice SC Gupte at 11 am.


Bench has assembled. Hearing to begin shortly.

Hearing begins.

Read 14 tweets
May 26th 2021
Of 527 pages on acquittal of Tarun Tejpal, #Goa judge Kshama M Joshi has used around 400 pages, dissecting testimony of the complainant in arriving at how an 'educated journalist' should've known whether she 'pulled up' her underwear or 'picked up'.
Goa court scans the complainant's phone & messages to note that "it was entirely the norm" for her to have flirtatious relationships & sexual conversations with friends & acquaintances.
Since she refused to give access to her email citing concerns of privacy when her phone details had already been used to humiliate her over her personal details, #Goa judge holds that she "wants to hide something."
Read 10 tweets
May 26th 2021
I am truly amazed that news reports on the #TarunTejpal verdict are making no mention whatsoever of detailed mentions of various statements by victim that did not match evidence or were plain absurd and are only quoting provocative conclusions known to trigger feminists.
Many people are citing that victim's testimony should be believed, but does that mean believed in spite of contradictory evidence?

It is almost like media wants to provoke a bawal counting on outragers not reading.
And it is really trivial stuff made absurd by denials. What is the point in denying knowledge of rape laws or importance of evidence, etc after admitting to reporting on VAW AND getting a book grant for same subject? How to trust on unverifiable stuff?
Read 4 tweets
Feb 2nd 2021
Hi all, if you are interested in social justice and the seemingly unending onslaught of events seems to do your head in. Here are some resources, hashtags and processes I've found helpful in keeping track of what is happening around us.
1. @Article14live has tracked #sedition cases between 2010-2010 in #India. @kunalpurohit provides an in-depth overview of the use of colonial laws to suppress dissent and active requests for rights in the country. #memoryproject
2. The #freespeechcollective has tracked arrests and detentions of #journalists in India between 2010-20. @geetaseshu's work has demonstrated that 40% of these took place in 2020. #memoryproject
Read 22 tweets

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