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May 27th 2020
Let’s not even talk about the reams & reams of film roll on the French Revolution, the life & times of Henry VIII, Shakespeare’s classics & their many versions …

but only of the events of 20th C where, there are thousands of films in English & almost all European languages on
the Holocaust.

They cover every imaginable point of view -
the political, geographical, historical, anecdotal.

Stories of children, adults, concentration camp guards, a commandants family living amidst the horror, Kapo the Jewish prisoner functionaries.
They all have found a voice on celluloid. Even those that deny the Holocaust.

Similarly, the list of films & documentaries made on the assassination of President JF Kennedy is 17 pages long.

From every angle, be it his widow Jacqueline, the assassin’s wife, Mrs Harvey Oswald
Read 20 tweets
Feb 19th 2019
Read 934 tweets
Dec 12th 2017
187. @INCIndia BANS @TimesNow from attending @OfficeOfRG's press conference.
188. @INCIndia's Mani Shankar Aiyar, who collected money for the Chinese during the 1962 war - an allegation denied by him - ORDERED the removal of a plaque commemorating VD Savarkar at the jail where he spent a decade in solitary confinement. The plaque was REMOVED. ImageImageImage
@INCIndia 189. @INCIndia INSTRUCTS authorities to BAN @SunnyLeone from expressing her freedom to act and perform a show. Police under @INCIndia REFUSE to promise safety for her and her crew.… ImageImage
Read 97 tweets
Oct 29th 2017
135. Patel's heart melts, he writes to Rajendra Prasad emphasising how burdened Nehru is, doesn't realise the import of his writings. 5/n ImageImageImage
135. Rajendra Prasad's heart melts, too. He forgives Nehru, agreeing that Nehru is too overburdened; is apologetic himself. Matter ends. n/n Image
136. @INCIndia's Nehru, angry, asked for Rajendra Prasad's speech to be BARRED from distribution. (via @praashok)… ImageImageImage
Read 148 tweets
Oct 29th 2017
125. @INCIndia MP TORE DOWN posters of the film Arjun Reddy saying they ruined minds of youngsters, DEMANDED a ban. (via @prasanth439) ImageImageImageImage
126. @INCIndia DEMANDED a BAN on the film Namo Saune Gamo.… ImageImageImage
127. CBFC under @INCIndia virtually BANNED the film, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.… ImageImage
Read 163 tweets
Oct 22nd 2017
Freedom of Expression under @INCIndia. A comprehensive, crowdsourced thread in response to @ShashiTharoor's tweet: Image
1. As a response to Romesh Thapar vs State of Madras (, Pt Nehru brought the 1st Amendment.
2. Majrooh Sultanpuri wrote this poem on Nehru. He was arrested, spent ONE YEAR in jail.… Image
Read 293 tweets

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