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Aug 3rd 2020
What did you gain?

It's a simple question that I want to ask media houses that thought - and are still thinking - it's a good practice to terminate employees on the spot. The editor, board, management & HR all are collectively responsible but no one would reply.
Who will question the media, which prides itself in the power of questioning it has. Frankly, it doesn't matter if you say in private that I'm sorry and this shouldn't have happened. The fact remains it happened and it happened under your watch.
Were these the morals, ethics & values that the organisation was built on? Didn't you feel proud when the reporters brought you a story that revealed the unethical practices at various establishments, most notably the government! You would have put it on the front page too!
Read 17 tweets
Oct 15th 2018
This whole Elizabeth Warren 1/512ths DNA "proof" of Native ancestry hurts Native people because it adds to the Republican attack that we are "race-based" and not citizens of nations. #Indigenous #Termination 1/5
This "race-based" argument was recently cited by a federal judge in Texas to declare ICWA unconstitutional and in violation of the 14th Amendment. The goal here is to declare TRIBES unconstitutional because they are "race-based." #ElizabethWarren #Indigenous #Termination 2/5
The writing is on the wall: Tribes need to get rid of blood quantum or disappear politically.
#ElizabethWarren #Indigenous #Termination 3/5
Read 6 tweets

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