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Aug 2nd 2019
Data rights for voters! @SenFeinstein introduces the #VoterPrivacyAct to prevent the voter surveillance and data abuse illustrated in #TheGreatHack
#VoterPrivacyAct would grant 5 basic rights that do not yet exist in the USA:
1. Right to Know
2. Right to Own
3. Right to Review
4. Right to Remove
5. Right to Refuse
#DataRightsAreHumanRights #CambridgeAnalytica #TheGreatHackNetflix…
Here’s how the #VoterPrivacyAct expresses these new rights (i was paraphrasing)…
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Jul 26th 2019
After the GOP shitshow, Americans wanting to know how the British House of Commons conducts an inquiry, can look at the transcripts of the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport committee looking into "fake news," specifically Cambridge Analytica & Facebook conduct related to Brexit.
2/ Brexit, of course, is highly contentious and momentous. It will change the course of British history. And yet here are the Brits, in a committee headed by @DamianCollins earnestly questioning witnesses and interrogating their written evidence and comparing & constrasting with
3/ evidence from other witnesses. For conservatives, GOPers, and fundagelicals, read'em and weep.… // And watch The Great Hack #TheGreatHackNetflix to see the courage of Chris Wiley, Shahmir Sanni, Brittany Kaiser, @carolecadwalla @EmmaLBriant
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