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May 5th 2021
I've probably watched close to a hundred people die from COVID, working in ICU in the past year during this pandemic.

I know it's been close to 100; over half of patients, when they get bad enough to make it to ICU, don't make it. They just.. Die. No matter what we do. 1/
And it's TERRIBLE. It's AWFUL. It's indescribable.

Caring for someone, getting to know them, their family, yet knowing they'll die, regardless of everything you're trying..

It's soul wrenching. 2/
All we've been able to do for so many is drag it out, slow it down, put it off, but not actually stop it.

I can name SO MANY who died.

I carry them with me.

Every. Day.

I carry their names and their humanity with me, in my memories, in my soul, EVERY. DAY. 3/
Read 11 tweets
Apr 28th 2019
What is Palliative vs Hospice?

Pal Care & Hospice clinicians helps patients who have life limiting diagnosis - end stage heart, lung, kidney, liver failure, metastatic cancer or progressive Neuro dz like dementia, Parkinson’s, MS, ALS or severe strokes.
2/ the difference between Palliative & Hospice is that the patients still under Pal Care are in a disease modifying stage of their illness - meaning the train has left the building but we can still intervene to change the path their dz takes
3/ Hospice patients underlying life limiting disease EITHER has NO more disease modifying treatment available OR they elect NOT to pursue further treatment. That doesn’t mean we don’t still treat other correctable reversible issues - we still give abc, fluids, pain meds, oxygen.
Read 12 tweets
Jan 1st 2019
I need to talk about some shit that just went down.

Ambulance toned out for an infant in cardiopulmonary arrest.

Not known when they were last seen normal.

A fucking infant.
There’s snow on the roads. No helicopters are flying. I don’t have an ICU.

Right now it’s on us.

We got ready:

ET tube
Broselow Tape
All the trimmings
Read 15 tweets

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