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Mar 16th 2022
I’ve watched some bad movies lately. Break me out of the slump. Which should I watch next? Here’s a poll:
The results said I should watch Tick Tick… Boom! first. Since I never saw it on Broadway, I thought it made sense to watch Rent The Musical The Movie first. Boy, was that a mistake.
Wait. I was at an event where this guy got an award. I don’t know his character’s name yet. Not Garfield. Garfield’s roommate.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 10th 2022
THREAD: #GoldenGlobes 2022 winners: live updates of tonight’s awards
#Succession’s Jeremy Strong wins Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series — Drama
#TedLasso’s @jasonsudeikis wins Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series — Musical or Comedy
Read 14 tweets
Dec 20th 2021
Okay, going to post a bunch of bts pictures of the Sunday sequence from #ticktickBOOMmovie now. This was an early draft of the tableau, though we didn't end up putting Howard McGillin aka the longest running Phantom on the roof... -LMM #SundayDeepDive
Would not have happened w/o my fearless 1st AD @MComitini, who had to juggle LEVELS of quarantine & keep artists 6 feet apart at all times. Almost every group shot you see is several separate shots put together in postproduction. We had 3 days to get it. -LMM #SundayDeepDive Mariela crossing out shots in our pre-viz.Football diagram of Sunday sequence
Example: @Andre_DeShields and @heebyfluff shoot at the same time, same with @MjRodriguez7 and Joel Grey, but I had to shoot them separately and put them all together after. Multiply by *you've seen the movie* and you get a sense of the logistics involved. -LMM #SundayDeepDive ghost versionns of MJ, ANDRE, JOEL and BETH
Read 21 tweets
Nov 24th 2021
For today's #TickTickBoomMovie history thread, I actually want to go beyond the #Superbia and #TickTickBoom eras and into one of Larson's side projects. It's time to break down some walls and overcome your #Blocks.
In the early 90's, a producer named Karen Butler started a company called Broadway Arts for Young People. The goal was to do issues-driven theatre for children and schools. Not just fairy tales but something that would hit hard.
You might be thinking "Political theatre for kids? What kind of liberal propaganda is that?" But @GripsBerlin has been doing it here for over 50 years and they are far and away my favourite company here in Berlin, so it's not as crazy as you may think. There's precedent.
Read 19 tweets

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