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Sep 10th 2022
As rumors about the continuation of peace talks between #Ethiopia and #Tigray surface, there are other important issues that need to be discussed.

Is Ethiopia still willing to control Tigray by war? Will it set up its own administration?
1/ #peacetalks
Based on my sources, I will try to deeply look at these questions. In order to understand the real cause of the resumption of war, it is important to look at the events in the capital prior to the war.2/ #TigrayIsSuffering #TigraySiege #TigrayFamine #EthiopianNewYear
The abbey government held a confidential meeting with key regional presidents, military generals, senior federal officials and Prosperity Party executives. They met in depth to discuss the situation in Tigray.3/
Read 31 tweets
Aug 24th 2022
🇪🇹The Addis Ababa regime has started bombing #Tigray forces on Southern fronts. I truly don’t see any progress towards any peaceful resolution; in fact, it looks like we are back to zero. More civilian deaths, more crimes against humanity and more #TigrayIsSuffering
Fighting between forces from Ethiopia's rebellious northern region of Tigray and central government forces has erupted around the town of Kobo, residents and the spokesman for the Tigrayan forces said on Wednesday, ending a months-long ceasefire.
3 residents confirmed they had heard heavy weapons since early morning and confirmed that in the past two days there had been major movement of troops ranging from local Fano militia, to Ethiopian army soldiers and special forces from the neighbouring Amhara region to the area.
Read 10 tweets

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