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Jan 27th 2020
Why Andrew Yang is not for America. His first plan, most comprehensive plan, is UBI(1,000 a month). The biggest issue with this is it doesn’t stack with things like Snap, Tanf, SSI, and many more programs people rely on.
If you go to Andrew Yang's site, he claims it stacks with Social Security Disability... the thing is, not everyone who is disabled has worked enough to collect Social Security, so they get SSI instead. You cannot collect SSI AND UBI at the same time. You must choose one.
Yang's site makes the claim that "Even some people who receive more than $1,000 a month in SSI would choose to take the Freedom Dividend because it has no preconditions."
Read 23 tweets
Jan 10th 2020
.@BernieSanders' closing statement at his @FoxNews town hall is why @realdonaldtrump knows he's in trouble #TrumpFearsBernie
Like @IlhanMN said, we believe that "my destiny, your destiny, the destiny of workers around the world are linked together."

That's why #TrumpFearsBernie

We understand that we will defeat hatred and division with solidarity.

Like @AOC "This is not about something that we allow to happen to us. We don't let this race happen to us. This is not a movie, this is a movement."

#TrumpFearsBernie because to him this is a game, but to us this is real life. And voters know that.

Read 4 tweets

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