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Aug 27th 2020
ā€œPresident* Trumpā€™s actions and language are in fact racist. Those words gave permission to white supremacists to think what they were doing was permissibleā€¦ We are less safe today because of his leadership.ā€ @NeuSummits @RVAT2020

Read 133 tweets
Aug 13th 2020
President* Trumpā€™s attacks on our U.S. Postal Service are deliberate decisions to hurt our veterans and to hurt our seniors who depend on mail for medications and checks. VOTE EARLY. @votevets #TrumpYouLose

Every journalist should ask President* Trump @svdateā€™s question:

ā€œAfter three and a half years, do you regret all the lying you've done to the American people?"

Does he have any regrets AT ALL?

Read 133 tweets
Jul 23rd 2020
Rep @AOC: "Treating people w dignity and respect makes a decent man. When a decent man messes up, as we all are bound to do, he tries his best andā€¦ apologizes genuinely to repair and acknowledge the harmā€¦ā€

ā€œOur fight does not end on Election Day. Itā€™s the days or weeks that follow ā€” as the mail-in votes are counted ā€” that are most important.ā€ @FindAClearTruth

President* Trump has corrupted everything he has touchedā€¦ November 3rd, America admits its greatest mistake and fires Donald Trump.

Fire #AmericasGreatestMistake October 20 if you vote by mail.

Read 101 tweets
Jul 22nd 2020
Rep @AOC: "Treating people w dignity and respect makes a decent man. When a decent man messes up, as we all are bound to do, he tries his best andā€¦ apologizes genuinely to repair and acknowledge the harmā€¦ā€

ā€œOur fight does not end on Election Day. Itā€™s the days or weeks that follow ā€” as the mail-in votes are counted ā€” that are most important.ā€ @FindAClearTruth

Read 100 tweets
Jul 20th 2020
One of the many well deserved hits against Trump is his inability to perform the Presidential ritual of ā€œbringing the country togetherā€ after a tragedy. Iā€™d argue that this is what makes Trump the greatest civil rights President since LBJ.

Wait, what? Hear me out...
When President Obama led a church assembly in a tearful rendition of ā€œAmazing Grace,ā€ he was performing the expected role of Pastor in Chief, Presidential Mourner, and Compassionate Witness. He was helping the countryā€™s wounds heal.

And thatā€™s the problem.
When wounds heal, if they arenā€™t properly attended, they form ugly scars and can become infected. Presidential empathy is like a good bedside mannerā€” itā€™s great, but if it isnā€™t accompanied by actual medicine, it can create a false sense of wellness.
Read 10 tweets

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