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Nov 1st 2020
I just want to ask you to hear me out for a brief moment, to listen to my perspective without bias and to ponder on it for just a moment. Then you can go on thinking whatever you‘d like. Over the last few years I have came to realize our country is under attack by a ...
coordinated group of our most powerful adversaries. It’s not like a normal attack you might picture in your head with bombs and missles, it’s a coordinated psychological information warfare attack against our people using our own social media. ...
You see, the people control the politicians, so if you control the people then you control the politicians. The only way to accomplish this at this time is through social media—massive social media troll farms—an army of them to be exact. It’s not difficult to interfere ...
Read 32 tweets
Oct 31st 2020
“Are you using your phone, or is your phone using you?"

—Denzel Washington

"No single group of Americans was targeted by [Russia] more than African-Americans. By far, RACE was the preferred target of the information warfare campaign in 2016."

-- Senate Intelligence Committee
"No single group of Americans was targeted by [Russia] more than African-Americans. By far, RACE was the preferred target of the information warfare campaign in 2016."

-- Senate Intelligence Committee
Remember November: Operation Yibambe (“Hold the Line") is now fully operational.

Don't Allow #RacistRUSSIA To Trick You — AGAIN.


Read 7 tweets
Oct 26th 2020
As Trump barrels across the Country desperately ginning support Biden has flipped the script on him: doing what an Incumbent normally does: fewer & smaller events, looking toward governing
2-"Donald Trump is chasing every possible opening across the electoral map. Joe Biden is sitting on his lead, carefully surveying the landscape for states that might serve as insurance policies.
3-"It’s a jarring flip of the script for an incumbent president & his challenger eight days before Election Day. Trump, in the last gasp of his campaign, is barreling across the country, hoping large rallies and bets placed across the board will pay off for his underdog campaign.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 19th 2020
#wtpBlue #Resistance #VoterSuppression #TrumpCoupPlot
🔥🔥‼️One of a nbr of disturbing articles-DT is having GOP set up conditions in which he can lose the Election-but still remain in office.I’ll post more later. Input appreciated-articles
by/from interviews
w/ Constitutional lawyers👇…
Read 13 tweets
Oct 11th 2020
Make sure to fill out the #AbsenteeBallot correctly!
No #NakedBallots (thx @sarahsilverman @MarkRuffalo @chrisrock @amyschumer @joshgad @TiffanyHaddish et al; NAKED video)
Here's a 50 STATE mega-Thread with detailed instructions on how to fill out YOUR #VoteByMail ballot
Here's an overall Video Instruction on #VoteByMail

NOTE: More #AbsenteeBallots means more time for election officials to carefully process & count. Voters should not expect results election night. A delay just means counters are being careful.
ALABAMA Video on How to Vote & Return #AbsenteeBallot

3 envelopes
1 plain (secrecy envelope),
1 with affidavit/oath on the outside,
1 plain pre-addressed envelope, (outer envelope)
Check "physically incapacitated" box “ for #COVID-19 concerns
#VoteBlue Image
Read 53 tweets
Oct 11th 2020
Reminder. The votes haven’t been counted. Bad things happen when Democrats don’t vote.
Just #VOTE !
“Democrats are on track to win big in Arizona next month — from the presidential election to the state House. And Republicans fear it won’t just be a one-time event but the start of long-term Democratic dominance in the state.
“It’s a shift that’s been coming since before President Donald Trump’s election but has only been further accelerated over the past four years by his divisive presidency and the Arizona GOP’s evolution from the party of John McCain to that of Trump.
Read 8 tweets
Oct 10th 2020
#VoteBlueToSaveAmerica #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare

“In Wisconsin, about 146,000 people voted by mail in the 2016 general election. This fall, about 647,000 people have already voted absentee, many in Democratic strongholds.
In Madison “thousands of people have gone to parks to deliver their ballots during Saturday voting festivals.
In Milwaukee, Facebook feeds are inundated with selfies of Democrats inserting ballots into drop boxes.
Read 5 tweets
Oct 9th 2020
💥 IMPORTANT REMINDER: Other groups are planning terrorist attacks, more arrests are expected

In a spate of national television interviews Thursday and Friday, Nessel said she expected more arrests would be made… via @detroitnews
but said it was unlikely those individuals are linked to the specific group at issue in the kidnapping plot against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

She noted her department's investigations involve right-wing groups, but NO Antifa or left-wing groups.

Michigan Attorney General
Dana Nessel.

“There remains a number of individuals, a number of groups that are out there and that continue to plan attacks of domestic terrorism, not just in Michigan but in a multi-jurisdictional fashion across many states,” Nessel told CNN’s Anderson Cooper Thursday.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 9th 2020
💥 BREAKING TERRORIST INFORMATION: Nessel: Other groups across America planning terrorism, more arrests are expected.
#VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare… via @detroitnews
“There remains a number of individuals, a number of groups that are out there and that continue to plan attacks of domestic terrorism, not just in Michigan but in a multi-jurisdictional fashion across many states,” Nessel told CNN’s Anderson Cooper Thursday.
“This is not just a Michigan problem. This is now an American problem."

The governor has been kept informed of the potential threat for a couple months, Nessel said, and authorities at times moved Whitmer and her family as a result of activities investigators learned of.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 8th 2020
Today’s update on early voting across the nation.

Professor Michael McDonald tracks the following data daily:

total of early votes;
turnout as % of 2016 turnout;
number of mail ballots requested.

1. Voters have cast a total of 6,339,316 ballots in the reporting states (35 out of 50).

The specific states being tracked are listed on the website and statistics can be researched on a state by state basis.
2. Nationally, voters have already cast 4.6% of the total votes counted in the 2016 general election.

We are still 26 days away from Election Day. Some states have no early voting or early voting hasn’t begun. In person early voting in TX starts on Monday.
Read 10 tweets
Oct 8th 2020
💥 GOP INSANITY: This stack of bi-partisan signed bills first appeared during a press conference held by the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee

The stack of bills now sits at over 400 at this time
#McConnelMustBeRemoved vote for @AmyMcGrathKY…
At the conference, Stabenow sounded off on McConnell and said he “turned the Senate into a legislative graveyard.”

Gesturing toward the stack during the conference, Stabenow said, “These are the bills — one copy of each of the over 300 bills that have passed the House that are
gathering dust on Leader McConnell’s desk."

“It's 5,595 pages,” she continued. “We’re not including appropriations & other bills that will be passed. These are important bills that have come here to make a difference in people’s lives and Mitch McConnell has chosen not to act."
Read 8 tweets
Oct 8th 2020
Altogether 13 men, described as 'members of a militia' were charged
6 in Fed'l Ct -with a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov Gretchen Whitmer
7 in State Ct with targeting Police & the MI State Capitol
This is stunning
This is where Trump is leading us
#VOTE #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare
2-"The government said the plot against Whitmer was stopped with the work of undercover agents and informants.
3-"Through electronic communications, two of the alleged conspirators “agreed to unite others in their cause and take violent action against multiple state governments that they believe are violating the U.S. Constitution,” the FBI said.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 22nd 2020
"To build a fairer, greener society, money must be made to serve the people, not the other way #coronavirus #ClimateAction #ForNature
With governments and banksters basically being the same motley outfit, is it strange the system seems running on its last legs? And that the chasm between highest and lowest earners is back to record levels, on a par with the 19th century?#ClimateAction #ForNature
We must work towards fair distribution of entitlement to the earth's purchasable goods. Clinging to gold, once thought to have intrinsic value because it came from the sun, looks to me to be an embarrassing step backwards in evolutionary time.#ClimateAction #VoteBlue
Read 15 tweets
Sep 21st 2020
The United States is undergoing “substantial autocratization” — defined as the loss of democratic traits — that has accelerated precipitously under Trump.…
This is particularly alarming in light of what the group’s historic data show: Only 1 in 5 democracies that start down this path are able to reverse the damage before succumbing to full-blown autocracy.
“Everything we see in terms of decline on these indicators is exactly the pattern of decline” seen in other autocratizing nations, like Turkey and Hungary, both of which ceased to be classified as democracies in recent years.
Read 3 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
I don’t want anyone that doesn’t plan to vote for Biden, to tell me how disgusted they are by the trump administration, allowing the desecration of woman’s uterus!!
I don’t want anyone that doesn’t plan to vote for Biden, to say they march for BLM!!
I don’t want anyone that doesn’t plan to vote for Biden, to say we must abolish ICE!!
Read 5 tweets
Sep 13th 2020
At his Covid super spreader hate-rally in NV last night, Trump was steaming mad @ Biden's ad highlighting DT's disparagement of US Military & said in retaliation he'll "be really vicious" for the rest of the campaign

2-"President Donald Trump set the tone early on at his rally in northern Nevada Saturday night, warning that he was prepared to "be really vicious" in the final weeks of the presidential campaign.
3-"Fuming over a new ad about his alleged disparagement of U.S. military personnel, Trump arrived here with a torrent of insults ready to go. ‘Pathetic Joe. He’s a pathetic human being to allow that to happen,’ Trump said of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and the ad
Read 5 tweets
Sep 11th 2020
We need to #FlipTheSenate #Elections2020
Boy do we.
There are 23 GOP Senators up #Senate2020 in
#23GOP Sep 10 UPDATE
THREAD with Info & Links for each Candidate. Image
Hey #ALASKA! Help #FlipTheSenate!
There is a Independent Democratic Challenger
running against Dan Sullivan!
&, seriously, watch this video
Bye to Martha McSally in 2020?
Special Election! VOTE Nov 3, 2020
#Senate2020 #AZ
Mark Kelly
Donate Here:…
Merch here:
All States #23GOP
#FlipTheSenate Image
Read 25 tweets
Sep 10th 2020
Dear @realDonaldTrump @POTUS,

You are one sick human. I now have to return to work early and take on working 7 days awake 12 hours a day to care for my entire family. I don't even get a chance to recover from cancer. I have do to treatments before or after work
You knew about this in January. You knew this was coming. You knew this was worse than the flu. You threw out a handbook that was left for you on how to handle a pandemic.

You have left millions of people you are supposed to protect dying, hungry, and almost homeless
If I can't find time for my treatments or if it falls on the days my mother has treatments for her cancer, I have to skip mine. If I die, I want you to know it was trying to feed and house my family because you are a complete failure as a human and a leader.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 9th 2020
It was a #TRAVELADVISORY !!!! Not a shutdown!!! Tramp tried to drag @GavinNewsom and @NYGovCuomo Yet he knew since #February7th !!!!! Tramp only attacked those government officials that tried to sound the alarm!! California was doing good until his misinformed ImageImageImage
Degenerate base was threatening our damn officials to open up!!! Yet here he is on tape, in his own words, “a lot of people are going to die” “this is really bad” “not just old people, a lot of young people too” ImageImage
You can find a lot of tweets from people who flew in from affected countries and were NEVER checked!! Our country wasn’t shutdown!! Italy, China, New Zealand, they shutdown!!! #TrumpKnew #TrumpLiedPeopleDied #VoteTrumpOut #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare #VoteForBidenHarris
Read 3 tweets
Sep 4th 2020
The revelation of what @realDonaldTrump said about the brave servicemen & women who have served and were harmed or died for this nation explains why he was always so proud of the Generals in his administration. “His” Generals.

Because they survived, he sees them as winners.
He does not understand service—be it civil, public, Spiritual. He has never done anything in his wretched, God-forsaken life for a purpose or another person that hasn’t had an inherent personal benefit guaranteed—including running for President & now re-election.

He is void.
That cretin is only running for re-election to keep from going to prison for all the crimes he has committed.

He’s not running to help you or to heal the racial divides he exacerbated in this country or to find a cure for the “hoax” that is killing us by the thousands daily.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
THREAD: Update on Trump's Greatest Economy Ever claim

Start with stock, since he loves to point to "record stock market."

Based on Vanguard Total Stock Index VTI performance
Obama/Biden years
1.20.2009 - 1.20.2027 1.85% ave monthly gain
$47.76 to $116.84 per share 1/
Trump years
1.20.2017 to date 1.2% ave monthly gain
$116.84 to 177.24

Obama years outperforming Trump years 154%.

Next: Unemployment
3/ Under Obama/Biden unemployment peaked at 10.9 in Oct 2009 during the Great Recession then fell steadily, year by year to a low of 4.7% by the Trump transition.

Under Trump unemployment continued its 10-year trend to decline to 3.5% until the coronavirus struck. 4/
Read 7 tweets
Aug 24th 2020
This #Thread the most important one I have ever written. #BidenHarris2020Landslide could be the difference between life and death for me and countless other #disabled people. #CripTheVote #ByeDon2020
Can anyone guarantee if heaven forbid #Tre45on wins I won't be thrown in a camp cause I'm #Muslim #Jersey girl? It breaks my heart that this meeting is being framed as negative or shady. #DisabilityTwitter #GH fam you know me I can't keep a secret and I was never asked to.
I am proud to work with #BidenHarris to #BeatTrump like a drum and I have no doubt they are equally proud to work with me a multiple minority. @JoeBiden & @KamalaHarris's campaign took the time to sit down with me and my community. #CripTheVote #ByeDon2020
Read 8 tweets
Aug 19th 2020
Once again, a conservative misses the point of government action, equating saving businesses to saving people’s lives, equating GDP with national purpose, and equating the stock market with human values.

If FDR “failed,” why was he reelected three times?…
Ever since the warped Hayek-Friedman theory of economics gave conservatives an excuse to defend greed over empathy and prioritize business efficiency over human life, conservatives have been arguing, basically, the best government is no government.
For conservatives, *any* government action that prioritizes human welfare over the unfettered freedom of business to act purely for profit is inherently immoral and counterproductive. Seriously. That’s their fundamental understanding of government’s role.
Read 15 tweets

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