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Nov 3rd 2020
Voter suppression is real, and itā€™s happening right now in Reading, PA. It looks like long lines, failure to provide interpreters, and racism against Readingā€™s Latinx voters. THREADā¤µļø
Our teams have been at 100+ polls across PA to make sure Black, Latinx, and working class folks are able to vote safely, and our partners at @joytothepolls @danzanes brought music and joy to the lines. But no one should have to wait hours or be discriminated against when voting.
@JoyToThePolls @danzanes Reporter @ddguttenplan spoke to the judge of elections, who said ā€œthe Spanish people with all their namesā€ are causing long lines and delays. Fact check: Language access is a right, and every registered voter has the right to cast a ballot without intimidation or discrimination.
Read 12 tweets
Oct 6th 2020
ā€œThe danger he poses is related to past dangerousness he has shown in terms of verbal aggression, boasting about assaults, paranoid reactionsā€¦ This is a national security threat and the White House has a credibility crisis.ā€ @pttrn_ntgrty #The25thFor45

ā€œIt cannot be that here and now in 2020 we allow the government of the people, by the people and for the people to perish on this earth. No, it cannot and it must notā€¦ WE WILL VOTE.ā€ @JoeBiden in Gettysburg

ā€œThe FBI says white nationalism is a real problem, and the FBI wants to do something about it, but President* Trump doesnā€™t want to talk about that. He doesnā€™t keep the country safe.ā€ @GenMhayden @RVAT2020

Read 99 tweets
Sep 29th 2020
Typical income taxes:

Teachers paid $7239
Firefighters paid $5283
Nurses paid $10,216

...and Donald Trump paid $750.

That is unfair by any measure.

#VOTE @JoeBiden #TrumpTaxReturns
ā€œWho do you owe the money to? Do you owe debt to ANY foreign nation? Do you owe anybody money who is impacted by any decision you make as president* of the United States? WE NEED TO KNOW THAT.ā€ @KamalaHarris

Read 99 tweets
Aug 27th 2020
ā€œPresident* Trumpā€™s actions and language are in fact racist. Those words gave permission to white supremacists to think what they were doing was permissibleā€¦ We are less safe today because of his leadership.ā€ @NeuSummits @RVAT2020

Read 133 tweets
Aug 13th 2020
President* Trumpā€™s attacks on our U.S. Postal Service are deliberate decisions to hurt our veterans and to hurt our seniors who depend on mail for medications and checks. VOTE EARLY. @votevets #TrumpYouLose

Every journalist should ask President* Trump @svdateā€™s question:

ā€œAfter three and a half years, do you regret all the lying you've done to the American people?"

Does he have any regrets AT ALL?

Read 133 tweets

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