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Apr 8th 2021
1/ Found following informative #share/#RT.
"Progressive #CaboSteve, #ComradeCasar #BobbyFrancis & #SanctuarySarah are eMgaging w/a national chapter of a Muslim advocacy group-lobbying to vote against Prop B.
Does anyone..."
@ToddJeffries #TruthandFactsMatter #VoteFORPropB
2/ "...notice a trend & should we call out d wrong bad actors of that other party?"

Could this post cause suspension of users FB account, can't find anyone of that other party advocating for destruction of our ONCE #CLEAN & #SAFECITY!?

#VoteFORPropB to #SaveOurCity!
3/ One response...
"The explosion of homeless,
quality-of-life crimes, spikes in robberies & homicides will continue and worsen for the citizens of #Austin & ALL #Texans in the Capital city as long as #Austin’s local politicians remain in charge of our police."
Read 8 tweets

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