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Feb 23rd 2022
🗳 Votium Round 12 Wrap Up

Yesterday marked the end of #Votium R12 and $CVX holders are busy counting their sweet bribe 💰.

A quick recap 🧵 of what we saw...

#Convex #CurveWars @ConvexFinance @CurveFinance
High Level

👉 Second highest amount of bribes / ETH ever
👉 Decrease in total bribes / $ due to market volatility
👉 Bribes largely flat, but $TRIBE + $LUNA increased
👉 One returning briber in $DAI, one drop out in $MTA

Payouts were about $.38 / vlCVX (40% APR).
What does this tell us?

That none of the drama in #crypto is hurting the $CVX #Votium flywheel.

Average bribes (ETH) and briber qtys have continued to increase + that trend seems likely to continue.

And when the market recovers / catalysts arrives, people will take notice.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 21st 2022
#Paladin, le vendeur d'armes de la Curve's War ⚔️🛡️⬇️🧵
Pendant longtemps, j'ai eu du mal à m'intéresser en profondeur au protocole #Curve !
(Oui oui je l'avoue.. personne n'est parfait 😔)

N'étant ni un "early adopter", ni une "whale", je ne voyais pas en quoi cela était pertinent à mon échelle
Pourtant, au fil de mon expérience en DeFi, il est devenu de plus en plus clair que ce protocole était un moteur pour l'écosystème ! 🔥

Toute personne faisant l'effort de s'y intéresser a été extrêmement bien récompensée !
Read 25 tweets
Feb 18th 2022
dApp integrations are actually quite important for @railgun_project for a myriad of reasons.
First and foremost - the ability to transact directly to and from a #private balance is a huge advantage. With non-custodial mixers all you're doing is breaking the chain of custody of some tokens and this wouldn't be very useful privacy for many things.
Let's look at @ConvexFinance as an interesting use case - #convex lockers receive bribes and with #Votium you can delegate a wallet that you wish to collect bribes to.
Read 9 tweets

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