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Mar 19th 2020
1/n At @choosetothinq, been used to #workingfromhome but was NOT prepared to have the kid also ‘working’ from home. Classes on #Skype, school sends stuff to watch, forms/ sheets to upload. And only one laptop to pass around. Here's what I’ve been trying that you could too..
2/n A schedule. Circle time slots when the kids are SURE not to need your device. Evenings, mealtimes, early mornings, sleeptimes. Work uninterrupted during those. Start early & stay a step ahead. Make a timetable that includes their online classes / school work & work around it.
3/n Alternate devices for videos: Use phones, TV, casting devices rather than the laptop for videos. Connect your laptop to a projector / TV / another computer screen if your work allows for a bit of toggling. #kidsathome #WFHTips
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