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Oct 19th 2021
(@manijadegarcia) #Epistemology thread here, discussing ideas for survival, stress management, joy & healing using the acronym ACCESS to organize the ideas.

While I take a break I'd love you to read my new related article with @sisterSTEM


(@manijadegarcia) #Epistemology refers to to 'how we know what we know.' #Epistemologies are systems of knowledge & knowing informed by the ways different groups of people navigate & make sense of the world & are related to what we justify based on what's "true" or "real."

Who we are shapes our experiences & therefore our reality. So #disabled people; #women; #BlackPeople; etc. all have their own #epistemologies. Like languages, groups can borrow from each other's epistemologies to build knowledge & make meaning of the world & their lives.

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