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Apr 24th 2020
So before kids, my wife and I got a wii. Our bro-in-law (an adult) create a character named Dildos. I didn’t remember this. I do now.

I came home and my kids were playing bowling and I thought, of their dusted off the wii. And then I head them calling each other Dildos. Smh.
And I had to be really calm and be like let’s delete this discreetly. And I know they are onto me. And so I’ve block google traffic like a third world dictator. And I had a very angry call with my (adult) brother who proudly declared it a joke years in the making.
And I had to give credit where credit was due. He certainly played a long game. In unrelated news, I’ve just started Super Mario 3 and I’m going straight through to the end. This is the best video game ever made. Don’t @ me. #videogames #wii #safesearch
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Jan 4th 2020
Today was a long tedious day of digging into my old #procgen #landscape engine. Trying every trick in the book to get it running at 60fps on the #wii but thankfully I made some progress! #thread #gamedev #lowpoly #screenshotsaturday
Fixed some strange bugs in my simple view frustrum and increased its size
Moved the clouds, water and mountains to the correct position in the render list in order to reduce alpha-transparency bugs
Read 8 tweets
Jun 18th 2019
Burnout 2 : Point of Impact
Nintendo GameCube (2003)
Un jeu de course où l’on roule à grande vitesse sur des axes urbains en évitant le plus grand nombre de véhicules.
Si vous voulez une anecdote personnelle concernant ce jeu, ça se passe sur Instagram : Image
VR Ping Pong
PlayStation 4 (2017)
Un jeu de simulation de Ping Pong en réalité virtuelle proposant 4 modes : Pratique, Solo, Tournament et Arcade.
#1Jour1Jeu #PlayStation #VR #VRPingPong #PingPong #PSVR Image
Darkest Dungeon : Ancestral Edition
Nintendo Switch (2018)
Un mix de RPG et dungeon crawler dans un univers dark fantasy très sombre et à la difficulté élevée, où l’on doit gérer le niveau de stress des héros, leur mort étant définitive.
#1Jour1Jeu #Switch Image
Read 199 tweets

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