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Nov 20th 2019
@FWPthailand #อนาคตใหม่ #FutureForward #opposition leader @Thanathorn_FWP #ธนาธร says he'll continue working for all despite not being able to be #MP in #Thai #Parliament after #ศาลรัฐธรรมนูญ court ruling. Says he'll be in downtown #Bangkok campaigning to call to end conscription
#Thailand #opposition #FutureForward #อนาคตใหม่ leader #Thanathorn #ธนาธร maintains his innocence in the media shareholding case saying he disagrees with #ศาลรัฐธรรมนูญ court ruling as he feels it wasn't based on real evidence/facts of case. Will let people decide if fair/unfair ImageImage
Just hours after the #Thailand #ConstitutionalCourt #ศาลรัฐธรรมนูญ ruling to strip #Opposition #อนาคตใหม่ #FutureForward @FWPthailand leader #Thanathorn #ธนาธร of his #MP status, he wasted no time to reach out to citizens to help push 1 of party's main call to end conscription ImageImageImageImage
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Nov 20th 2019
No surprises here where #Thailand court has disqualified key #opposition leader @FWPthailand @Thanathorn_FWP as #MP as they found him guilty of holding shares in a media company after registering his candidacy for the #Thai election early this year
Back in May this year when #Thailand #parliament convened for the 1st time after March elections, after 5 years of #military rule, @FWPthailand leader @Thanathorn_FWP was already barred from sitting in as #MP by #constitutional #court then over this same media shareholding case
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